
I had that exact error.

When you build your cas.war file make sure the ldap dependency embedded 
inside pom.xml.

If you don’t

After that, the cas.properties file must be formatted correctly.

This is what stumped me the most.

Thanks to David Curry for helping me out on this.

Mine LDAP inside of cas.properties looks like this.

Pay attention to the numbers in scheme zero and one and so forth if you have 
multiple authentication handlers.

# Employee LDAP

cas.authn.ldap[0].useSsl:               true

cas.authn.ldap[0].order:                0

cas.authn.ldap[0].name:                 Employee-LDAP

cas.authn.ldap[0].type:                 AUTHENTICATED

cas.authn.ldap[0].ldapUrl:              ldaps://devm.philasd.net

cas.authn.ldap[0].validatePeriod:       270

cas.authn.ldap[0].userFilter:           uid={user}

cas.authn.ldap[0].baseDn:               dc=philasd,dc=org


cas.authn.ldap[0].bindCredential:     xxxxx


#LDAP for SG (Student Guardian)

cas.authn.ldap[1].useSsl:               true

cas.authn.ldap[1].order:                1

cas.authn.ldap[1].name:                 SG-LDAP

cas.authn.ldap[1].type:                 AUTHENTICATED

cas.authn.ldap[1].ldapUrl:              ldaps://devsgm.philasd.net

cas.authn.ldap[1].validatePeriod:       270

cas.authn.ldap[1].userFilter:           uid={user}

cas.authn.ldap[1].baseDn:               dc=philasd,dc=org


cas.authn.ldap[1].bindCredential:      xxxxx


Thank You;

Chris Cheltenham
Technology Services
The School District of Philadelphia

Work # 215-400-5025
Cell # 215-301-6571

From: cas-user@apereo.org [mailto:cas-user@apereo.org] On Behalf Of Satnam 
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 10:04 AM
To: CAS Community <cas-user@apereo.org>
Subject: [cas-user] 
org.apereo.cas.authentication.PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager thow an error 
in log when user input Invalid credentials.


we are upgrade cas to 5.2.x, we noticed that cas throw an error in log/email 
when user input Invalid credentials. In this case we don't want to receive 
notification when user inputs Invalid credentials as long cas blocks the 
(log will grow exponentially and email notifications will not be useful).

Is anybody else see these errors in the log as well?  Did we set up 
something incorrectly?

Here is part of CAS log

    __   ____      _      ____   __
  / /  / ___|    / \    / ___|  \ \
 | |  | |       / _ \   \___ \   | |
 | |  | |___   / ___ \   ___) |  | |
 | |   \____| /_/   \_\ |____/   | |
  \_\                           /_/

CAS Version: 5.2.2
CAS Commit Id: eefb26e6ea0f3f0505ea7dcfc7e11c4ebcb44b7d
CAS Build Date/Time: 1970-01-01T00:00Z
Spring Boot Version: 1.5.8.RELEASE
Java Home: C:\Program Files\Java\jre8U152
Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java Version: 1.8.0_152
JVM Free Memory: 1 GB
JVM Maximum Memory: 7 GB
JVM Total Memory: 2 GB
JCE Installed: No
OS Architecture: amd64
OS Name: Windows 7
OS Version: 6.1
OS Date/Time: 2018-02-13T06:47:54.498
OS Temp Directory: 

2018-02-13 06:48:10,827 WARN 
[org.apereo.cas.web.report.util.ControllerUtils] - <Logging configuration 
cannot be found in the environment settings>
2018-02-13 06:48:21,362 WARN 
[org.apereo.cas.web.report.util.ControllerUtils] - <Logging configuration 
cannot be found in the environment settings>
2018-02-13 06:48:25,942 WARN 
[org.apereo.cas.config.CasCoreServicesConfiguration] - <Runtime memory is 
used as the persistence storage for retrieving and persisting service 
definitions. Changes that a
re made to service definitions during runtime WILL be LOST upon container 
restarts. Ideally for production, you need to choose a storage option (JDBC, 
etc) to store and track service definitions.>
13-Feb-2018 06:48:27.111 INFO [localhost-startStop-1] 
org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deployment of web 
application archive 
pps\ROOT##0014.war] has finished in [46,788] ms
13-Feb-2018 06:48:27.114 INFO [main] 
org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler 
13-Feb-2018 06:48:27.127 INFO [main] 
org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler 
13-Feb-2018 06:48:27.132 INFO [main] 
org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler 
13-Feb-2018 06:48:27.137 INFO [main] 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in 47459 ms
2018-02-13 06:50:35,302 WARN 
[org.apereo.cas.authentication.LdapAuthenticationHandler] - <DN resolution 
failed. [DN cannot be null]>
2018-02-13 06:50:35,303 ERROR 
[org.apereo.cas.authentication.PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager] - 
<Authentication has failed. Credentials may be incorrect or CAS cannot find 
authentication handler that
 supports [t...@test.com] of type [UsernamePasswordCredential].>

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