Did you get the solution? Please post i am also getting the same issue with 

On Friday, September 8, 2017 at 4:06:00 AM UTC+5:45, bobsan...@gmail.com 
> Hi, all.
> I've been prototyping and learning Apereo CAS 5.1.3, using the Cas Overlay 
> Template.
> I am able to get it set up so I can run an instance on my workstation, and 
> hit https://localhost:8443/cas/login and authenticate.  Then, I'm able to 
> hit https://localhost:8443/cas/status/dashboard to see the CAS Dashboard 
> app.  That was using the default in-memory token store.
> Then I tried to change the token store to memcached, and started getting 
> an intermittent errors.  I've been trying to debug it, and am at the point 
> where I need help.
> Basically, the ST token gets written OK to the memcached client I'm using 
> (I can see it in the memcached console, and in the debugger it successfully 
> gets through MemCacheTicketRegistry method addTitket, including the 'sanity 
> check' that reads back that cache entity.
> However - the next call to getTicket for the ST token fails.  The raw 
> memcached retrieve works - it's the Kryo based deserialization that fails.  
> It gets to the lastTimeUsed field when deserializing to ServiceTicketImpl, 
> and gets this exception (this is just the deepest section):
> Caused by: java.time.DateTimeException: Invalid ID for region-based 
> ZoneId, invalid format: ST-1-ekjABqJkYU9gJdlkLxHd-DL-GB46TC2
>         at java.time.ZoneRegion.checkName(ZoneRegion.java:151) 
> ~[?:1.8.0_131]
>         at java.time.ZoneRegion.ofId(ZoneRegion.java:116) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
>         at java.time.ZoneId.of(ZoneId.java:411) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
>         at java.time.ZoneId.of(ZoneId.java:359) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
>         at 
> org.apereo.cas.ticket.registry.support.kryo.serial.ZonedDateTimeTranscoder.read(ZonedDateTimeTranscoder.java:26)
> ~[cas-server-support-memcached-ticket-registry-5.1.3.jar!/:5.1.3]
>         at 
> org.apereo.cas.ticket.registry.support.kryo.serial.ZonedDateTimeTranscoder.read(ZonedDateTimeTranscoder.java:16)
> ~[cas-server-support-memcached-ticket-registry-5.1.3.jar!/:5.1.3]
>         at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo.readObjectOrNull(Kryo.java:789) 
> ~[kryo-4.0.0.jar!/:?]
>         at 
> com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.ObjectField.read(ObjectField.java:132) 
> ~[kryo-4.0.0.jar!/:?]
>         at 
> com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.FieldSerializer.read(FieldSerializer.java:540)
> ~[kryo-4.0.0.jar!/:?]
>         at 
> com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo.readClassAndObject(Kryo.java:816) 
> ~[kryo-4.0.0.jar!/:?]
>         at 
> org.apereo.cas.ticket.registry.support.kryo.KryoTranscoder.decode(KryoTranscoder.java:187)
> ~[cas-server-support-memcached-ticket-registry-5.1.3.jar!/:5.1.3]
>         at 
> net.spy.memcached.transcoders.TranscodeService$1.call(TranscodeService.java:63)
> ~[spymemcached-2.12.1.jar!/:2.12.1]
>         at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 
> ~[?:1.8.0_131]
>         at 
> net.spy.memcached.transcoders.TranscodeService$Task.run(TranscodeService.java:110)
> ~[spymemcached-2.12.1.jar!/:2.12.1]
>         at 
> net.spy.memcached.transcoders.TranscodeService$Task.get(TranscodeService.java:96)
> ~[spymemcached-2.12.1.jar!/:2.12.1]
>         at net.spy.memcached.internal.GetFuture.get(GetFuture.java:70) 
> ~[spymemcached-2.12.1.jar!/:2.12.1]
>         at 
> net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient.get(MemcachedClient.java:1229) 
> ~[spymemcached-2.12.1.jar!/:2.12.1]
>         ... 121 more
> You can see that for some reason, when trying to get the time zone (in 
> ZonedDateTimeTranscoder, line 26) it doesn't find a 'Z' (which it did on 
> the initial, successful sanity check read), but seems to find the token ID 
> instead.
> If I log out from the CAS console, and then log in again, I don't see any 
> further exceptions.
> So - after starting up CAS, the SECOND cache read fails consistently - but 
> that's the only one.
> Any ideas?
> Should I report this as a bug, or wait and see if anyone here has any 
> ideas?
> How to replicate:
> 1. Start with a fresh clone 
> of ssh://git@bitbucket/sand/cas-server-overlay.git
> 2. Set it up to be able to run the console and the dashboard.  (These are 
> an attempt at a minimal change to the repo to reproduce the proboem)
> 2a. create etc\cas\config\services\HTTPSandIMAPS-10000001.json with 
> contents:
> {
>   "@class" : "org.apereo.cas.services.RegexRegisteredService",
>   "serviceId" : "^(https|imaps)://.*",
>   "name" : "HTTPS and IMAPS",
>   "id" : 10000001,
>   "description" : "This service definition authorizes all application urls 
> that support HTTPS and IMAPS protocols.",
>   "evaluationOrder" : 10000
> }
> 2b. create etc\cas\config\adminusers.properties with contents:
> casuser=notused,ROLE_ADMIN
> 2c. update etc\cas\config\cas.properties to look like this:
> cas.server.name=https://localhost:8443
> cas.server.prefix=https://localhost:8443/cas
> cas.adminPagesSecurity.ip=127\.0\.0\.1
> logging.config=file:/etc/cas/config/log4j2.xml
> # cas.serviceRegistry.config.location: classpath:/services
> #cas.serviceRegistry.config.location=classpath:/services
> # Where the Service Registry config files reside.
> cas.serviceRegistry.config.location=file:/etc/cas/config/services
> # Should CAS ALSO load service registry from $TEMP/cas/services?  Almost 
> certainly no - just load from the
> # config location mentioned just above.
> cas.serviceRegistry.initFromJson=false
> cas.tgc.encryptionKey=n-mjo3eRBKS2D1bN-9LfyrAKs97qaVDS1qm_QnXjXSk
> cas.tgc.signingKey=pf7scXUAk-l6FmwWDVzOONH-Is8RU1OLIcGlTdTPJL_hYQvYz8zhwzOiLQQZE6I-sbJbiyNL7WP5jq9UkvxN7w
> cas.webflow.signing.key=73eYssgawTHjAjkH_4uaEw4wUdaXD3M1lsPoqk50lpdpr_tu0XtLKLZmS_0DIJcZ_dU99nuXX7EaG9OBHQN1JA
> cas.webflow.encryption.key=qblhBvdquHNqGjkw
> management.contextPath=/status
> management.security.enabled=false
> management.security.roles=ACTUATOR,ADMIN
> management.security.sessions=if_required
> endpoints.restart.enabled=false
> endpoints.shutdown.enabled=false
> endpoints.autoconfig.enabled=true
> endpoints.beans.enabled=true
> endpoints.bus.enabled=true
> endpoints.configprops.enabled=true
> endpoints.dump.enabled=true
> endpoints.env.enabled=true
> endpoints.health.enabled=true
> endpoints.features.enabled=true
> endpoints.info.enabled=true
> endpoints.loggers.enabled=true
> endpoints.logfile.enabled=true
> endpoints.trace.enabled=true
> endpoints.docs.enabled=false
> endpoints.heapdump.enabled=true
> cas.adminPagesSecurity.loginUrl=https://localhost:8443/cas/login
> cas.adminPagesSecurity.service=https://localhost:8443/cas/status/dashboard
> cas.adminPagesSecurity.users=file:/etc/cas/config/adminusers.properties
> cas.adminPagesSecurity.adminRoles[0]=ROLE_ADMIN
> cas.adminPagesSecurity.actuatorEndpointsEnabled=false
> cas.monitor.endpoints.enabled=true
> cas.monitor.endpoints.sensitive=false
> 2d. Add this dependency to the pom:
> <dependency>
>     <groupId>org.apereo.cas</groupId>
>     <artifactId>cas-server-support-json-service-registry</artifactId>
>     <version>${cas.version}</version>
> </dependency>
> 3. Start up the CAS server
> 3a. gen an ssl certificate and use keytool to import that into your JAVA 
> keystore.
> 3b. create \etc\cas\config folders (with appropriate permissions)
> 3c. "build copy" to copy the config files to \etc\cas\config
> 3d. "build run" to fire up the CAS server.
> 4. Browse to https://localhost:8443/cas
> You should get a login screen - login with casuser
> 5. Browse to https://localhost:8443/cas/status/dashboard
> You should see the dashboard.
> Now - enable memcached.
> 6. Add memcached dependency to the pom:
> <dependency>
>     <groupId>org.apereo.cas</groupId>
>     <artifactId>cas-server-support-memcached-ticket-registry</artifactId>
>     <version>${cas.version}</version>
> </dependency>
> 7. I added a couple of extra properties to the cas.properties file:
> cas.ticket.st.timeToKillInSeconds=28800
> cas.ticket.registry.memcached.servers=localhost:11211
> The first one is just to extend the timeout on the ST tokens - gives more 
> time to debug.  the second one isn't really required, since that's the 
> default value for the memcached server.
> 8. Start up a local memcached server.  I'm on Windows, and using 
> memcached-win64 version 1.4.2.  I start it with:
>   memcached -p 11211 -vv
> (the '-vv' shows the keys of all the adds, gets, and deletes made to the 
> memcached server)
> 9. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
> When you get to step 5, if you have memcached showing the keys, then 
> you'll see an add for the ST token, then a get for the ST token, then 
> (likely) a TGT token get, then the second ST get.  
> In your CAS server console, you'll see the exception noted above.
> Thanks!
> Bob.

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