Hello :)

If your app you mean a web application, then I might able to help you. 
(Even if you are implementing with Android / iSO app, this might also help 

A few months back, my colleague want to understand how to check if CAS is 
login success without actually showing the login page to the user. (like 
your case)

So I wrote this simple one page html + javascript demo, to help my 
colleague implement the check CAS logic. (The page is at the bottom of this 

You might be able to reference this and understand how to implement such a 
check yourself. 

- Andy

What you need:
- Your service ID (You should be able to ask your client to provide you 
- Your desitnation CAS server: https://their.cas.server

Few things to note for this program:

l   This page just ack as a demo, use it carefully and understand I am not 
responsible for any risk involved

l   Since I have no right for https://example.client.com/check_cas, hence 
this HTML was written without concerning  before running this script you 
need to *disable the same origin policy *(You may find this link useful: 

n   Disabling same origin policy might cause security concern for your 
browser, *make sure to only access this HTML page when disabling same 
origin policy*

l   Detail usage of this page is contained inside the code (i.e. Click on 
Step 1 button, then click on Step 2 button)

n   The *time interval* between clicking the first button and the second 
button *should be less than 5 seconds*

n   Ultimately, both step 1 and step 2 should be done via programs, hence 
the ticket timeout duration should not matter

*index.html *(The same as the attached file)



    <title>Simple CAS Ticket Usage</title>

    <script src="



    <script type="text/javascript">

      //Allow easy access to get parameter

      $.urlParam = function(url, name){

          var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(url);

          if (results==null){

             return null;



             return decodeURI(results[1]) || 0;



      //Allow easy access to get parameter end




        var casUrl = "https://their.cas.server";;

        var step1Url = casUrl+

        var step2Url = casUrl+





        /////////////////////////////////////////STEP 1 LOGIC


          document.getElementById('step1_iframe').src = step1Url;



        $('#step1_iframe').on('load', function() {

          var step1FinalUrl = document.getElementById("step1_iframe"

          var ticket = $.urlParam(step1FinalUrl, 'ticket');


          if(ticket == null){

            alert("User Not Login, please login user in the same browser");

            step2Url = casUrl+



            step2Url = casUrl+
+ ticket;




        /////////////////////////////////////////STEP 1 LOGIC ENDS


        /////////////////////////////////////////STEP 2 LOGIC






              url: step2Url,

              type: "GET",

              dataType: "text",

              success: function(data) {

                console.log( "Step 2 Loaded: ", data );





        /////////////////////////////////////////STEP 2 LOGIC ENDS








    <p style="color:red;">Make sure to disable the same origin policy while 
using this html program</p>

    <p>For Chrome, you can open chrome.exe like this[chrome.exe 
--disable-web-security --user-data-dir="D:/Chrome]</p>

    <p style="color:red;">Note: disable the same origin policy have 
security concern for your browser, please review this code first, and only 
use the "same orgin policy disabled" browser for this page</p>

    <p>For more info, read this <a href="
> page</p>

    <h1>Step 1:</h1>

    <iframe id="step1_iframe" src="" style="height: 300px;width: 500px;"></


    <button id="step1_checkCas">Step 1: Get Ticket </button> <br/>

    [Accessing: <span id="step1Url" style="color:blue;"></span>]<br/>

    Step 1 Final Url: <input id="step1_finalUrl" type="text" style="width: 

    Step 1 Ticket: <input id="step1_Ticket" type="text" style="width: 


    <h1>Step 2:</h1>

    <button id="step2_getUserInfo">Step 2: Get User Information (UID)</
button> <br/>

    [Accessing: <span id="step2Url" style="color:blue;"></span>]<br/>

   Step 2 Results:<br/>


    <pre><code id="step2_result" class="xml">







On Monday, 26 March 2018 23:14:48 UTC+8, Maxime Marty-Dessus wrote:
> Hello everybody :)
> So here's my problem
> I work currently on a login interface project for our application. The 
> client wants to have two ways of login to our app :
>    - Login via their CAS (we don't own this CAS)
>    - Login via a "local" login/password, if, for instance, the client 
>    wants an external consultant to access the application without registering 
>    him in the CAS
> We already managed to develop the interface. This is a simple webpage, 
> where the client can either click on a "Connect" button, redirecting him to 
> the CAS, or a "Local LogOn" button, which redirect him to a form to fill 
> with local credentials. In both cases, the user is redirected to our app 
> and logged in with correct credentials.
> BUT, the client doesn't want to click on the "Connect" button, but wants 
> to be automatically redirected to our app if he is already connected on the 
> The problem is, if I automatically redirect him to the CAS, the user can't 
> use the Local LogOn way because he will be blocked on the CAS.
> Is there a way to query the CAS if the user is already logged, without 
> redirecting him to it ? Or another way to do the trick?
> If you have any hint to solve this problem, it will be very much 
> appreciated.
> Thank you in advance for your future answers !

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