Hello Ray,

Yes that what is clear from the traces that service ticket are getting 
generated but not validated. I have done all the configuration required in 
ASP.NET application.
Infact i just included the "DotNetCasClient" package and everything was 
done automatically. I just changed the values of some attributes like 
casServerLoginUrl, casServerUrlPrefix etc.

Below is the link which i followed for doing the changes in ASP.NET 
application: -

I don't have any idea as what can be done to solve this problem and i would 
greatly appreciate if your community can help me out to solve the issue.

I am attaching web.config file for reference here.

PS: - I don't have any intention of using any particular ticket validator. 
Initially i tried with Cas20 but as it was not working so i switched to 
Saml11 which though working but not redirecting to the ASP.NET application.

Neha Gupta

On Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 6:39:44 PM UTC+2, rbon wrote:
> Neha,
> There may be other settings that need to be modified when switching from 
> SAML11 to CAS20. ST are being created but not validated. Your ASP.NET 
> client is not configured correctly.
> Ray
> On Tue, 2018-05-08 at 03:56 -0700, Neha Gupta wrote:
> Hello Andy, 
> Thanks for reply.
> I was also wondering about the TARGET in the URL and i think its because 
> of the *ticketValidatorName="Saml11"* mentioned in the web.config file of 
> ASP.NET application and when i change the value of "ticketValidatorName" 
> to Cas10 or Cas20 then it does not work at all.Also please find attached 
> traces of the same.
> Hope this will help.
> Regards
> Neha Gupta
> On Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 3:40:21 AM UTC+2, Andy Ng wrote: 
> Hi Neha, 
> Would like to know in which documentation do you know about the parameter 
> TARGET in "https://idiv-dev1:8443/cas/login?TARGET=
> *http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a60397%2f*", I didn't see this parameter in the 
> official documentation. 
> Maybe it is something related to ASP.NET?
> Anyway, the usual parameter for defining service in CAS is "service", that 
> means your url should be "https://idiv-dev1:8443/cas/login?*service*
> =http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a60397%2f"
> It is nice that you attached the debug log:
> - I can see that the service is register successfully based on "<Adding 
> registered service [^(https|imaps|http)://.*]>", so your service 
> registration is correct.
> Regarding the part related to ASP.NET, I have no idea so I would not 
> comment on that. But i think since you can login success, the ASP.NET 
> part should be fine as is.
> Cheers!
> - Andy
> On Monday, 7 May 2018 22:12:34 UTC+8, Neha Gupta wrote: 
> Dear All, 
> I am trying to integrate CAS with ASP.NET application.
> Everything is working fine but CAS is not able to redirect to the 
> destination service and showing its own logged in page.
> Final URL is: - https://idiv-dev1:8443/cas/login?TARGET=
> *http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a60397%2f*
> where in TARGET my service URL is defined where i want CAS to redirect .
> Following configuration i have done in "*web.config*" file: -
> *<casClientConfig *
> casServerLoginUrl="https://idiv-dev1:8443/cas/login"; 
> casServerUrlPrefix="https://idiv-dev1:8443/cas/"; 
> serverName="http://localhost:60397/"; 
> notAuthorizedUrl="~/NotAuthorized.aspx" 
> redirectAfterValidation="true"
>  renew="false" 
> singleSignOut="true" 
> ticketValidatorName="Saml11" 
> serviceTicketManager="CacheServiceTicketManager"
> * />*
> * <authentication mode="Forms">*
>       <forms name=".DotNetCasClientAuth" loginUrl="
> https://idiv-dev1:8443/cas/login"; cookieless="UseCookies" />
> *    </authentication>*
> Along with this configuration i have also mentioned in "*FilterConfig.cs*" 
> below two lines: - 
> filters.Add(new System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizeAttribute());
> filters.Add(new RequireHttpsAttribute());
> Please let me know where is the problem as i have no clue.
> PS: - I have registered the service with CAS and also below service is 
> present which authorizes all services to pass through CAS: -
> {
>   "@class" : "org.apereo.cas.services.RegexRegisteredService",
>   "serviceId" : "*^(https|imaps|http)://.**",
>   "name" : "Apereo",
>   "theme" : "apereo",
>   "id" : 10000002,
>   "description" : "Apereo foundation sample service",
>   "evaluationOrder" : 1
>    "accessStrategy" : {
>     "@class" : 
> "org.apereo.cas.services.DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy",
>     "enabled" : true,
>     "ssoEnabled" : true
>   }
> }
> Regards
> Neha Gupta
> -- 
> Ray Bon
> Programmer analyst
> Development Services, University Systems
> 2507218831 | CLE 019 | rb...@uvic.ca <javascript:>

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Attachment: Web.config
Description: Binary data

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