I'm working on getting CAS 5.3 SAML2 IdP working with Workday, but not 
making much progress.  Workday says the metadata file isn't required, but I 
can't see anyway to set it up with out one.  Can you give more details on 
how you go this to work?


On Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 2:34:16 PM UTC-5, cur...@newschool.edu wrote:
> We are trying to configure our Workday Preview tenant to authenticate via 
> SAML2 to a CAS 5.2.2 IdP. 
> In the management webapp, we have defined a "SAML2 Service Provider" 
> service. The EntityID is set to:
> https://impl.workday.com/xxxxx
> which matches the EntityID in the SP's metadata.  When we try to log in to 
> Workday, we receive this error from the Workday side:
> Invalid Audience in SAML token: URL should start with 
> http://www.workday.com, or end with /xxxxx/login-saml.htmld
> The string they're saying it should end with is the tenant name ("xxxxx") 
> and the name of the web page (login-saml.htmld) that is listed in the 
> metadata as the AssertionConsumerService. However, CAS is sending back 
> the EntityID as the audience:
>         <saml2:Conditions NotBefore="2018-03-13T16:39:12.776Z" 
> NotOnOrAfter="2018-03-13T16:39:17.776Z">
>             <saml2:AudienceRestriction>
>                 <saml2:Audience>https://impl.workday.com/xxxxx
> </saml2:Audience>
>             </saml2:AudienceRestriction>
>         </saml2:Conditions>
> which appears to be correct behavior in the normal (non-Workday) world.
> On our old CAS 3.5.x/Shibboleth 2.4.0 setup (which the same Workday tenant 
> works successfully with), we had to add a line in the relying party profile 
> configuration (in relying-party.xml) to address this:
> <saml:Audience>http://www.workday.com</saml:Audience>
> which results in the SAML2 response sent back to Workday containing two 
> audiences:
>       <saml2:Conditions NotBefore="2018-03-13T13:44:01.503Z" 
> NotOnOrAfter="2018-03-13T13:49:01.503Z">
>          <saml2:AudienceRestriction>
>             <saml2:Audience>https://impl.workday.com/xxxxx
> </saml2:Audience>
>             <saml2:Audience>http://www.workday.com</saml2:Audience>
>          </saml2:AudienceRestriction>
>       </saml2:Conditions>
> However, I don't see any way to perform the equivalent, either through the 
> management webapp's user interface or by editing the service registry 
> manually. And I don't see anything in the documentation or searching the 
> code on GitHub.
> We are NOT using the cas-server-support-saml-sp-integrations 
> dependency.... should we be?
> Does anyone have CAS 5.2.x SAML IdP working with Workday, especially a 
> sandbox/implementation/preview tenant?
> Any ideas (even crazy ones) gladly accepted...
> Thanks,
> --Dave

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