
I'm upgrading from CAS 4.2.3 to CAS 5.3.3. In CAS 4.2.3 I define my custom 
oauth integration in *pac4jContext.xml*:

    <bean id="cascustomwrapper" class="my.org.CustomCasOAuthWrapperClient">
        <property name="key" value="XXXXXXX" />
        <property name="secret" value="YYYYYYYY" />
        <property name="validUrlAuthorization" 
value="https://localhost:8444/oauth-server/oauth2.0"; />
        <property name="customLogout" value="${logoutPage}" />
        <property name="userMappings" value="${mappings}" />

How can I do this in CAS 5.3.3? 

In this version of CAS I can activate an Oauth through:

        authUrl: https://myOrg/o/oauth2/auth
        tokenUrl: https://myOrg/o/oauth2/token
        profileUrl: https://myOrg/services-rest/getUserInfo
            attr1: attr1
            state: state
        id: xx.yyy.zz
        secret: 3233fdsf4343jk545m543543j

I put my Custom Oauth in /java Overlay directory. But I don't know how 
indicate to CAS that my Class is a new Oauth client. And In what file can I 
put my properties for my custom oauth? In the application.yml?

Or have I to modify the pac4j-oauth library? But I prefer put my Custom 
Oauth in Cas-Overlay.

Any idea? 

Thanks in advance!

- Xavier -

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