Oh Hello Ray!
We have the flow defined in login-webflow.xml, and the required 
actionStates defined in DefaultLoginWebflowConfigurer.
I modified login-webflow.xml so that it evaluates 
'createTicketGrantingTicketAction', and then 
'sendTicketGrantingTicketAction' after.

Again, I copied the login-webflow.xml from the 5.3.7 branch, and it appears 
to me to be identical to what is in 5.1.3.

Kind regards,

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 1:35:29 PM UTC-5, rbon wrote:
> Drew,
> How are you inserting your webflow?
> From 5.2 to 6.x webflow has become more 'fine grained'. I created a gist, 
> https://gist.github.com/rbonatuvic/d3ef9e8dc0c5a78870a8520bc2ab2b74, to 
> help figure out where to make my flow inserts.
> Ray
> On Wed, 2019-02-13 at 10:22 -0800, Drew Liscomb wrote:
> We are trying to upgrade from CAS 5.1.3 to 5.3.7 to get per-service JWT 
> encryption & signing keys.
> I believe I ported all of our customized code to the new versions of the 
> files & classes in question:
>    - CasCoreWebflowConfiguration - add 3 handled exceptions
>    - DefaultLoginWebflowConfigurer - additional action states for 
>    non-standard login flow
>    - DefaultLogoutWebflowConfigurer - redirect to our version of 
>    casFrontChannelLogoutAction
>    - InitializeLoginAction - add in CSRF token; pass in some 
>    configuration values into the flow scope
>    - LogoutAction - URLDecode the service param; handle our session synch 
>    cookie.
>    - AbstractServiceValidateController - expose attributes for use in 
>    service validation web page
>    - login-webflow.xml - insert CSRF token validation; add 'change your 
>    password' flow; 
> Currently, I'm seeing that 
> org.apereo.cas.web.flow.resolver.impl.AbstractCasWebflowEventResolver.grantTicketGrantingTicketToAuthenticationResult()
> is no longer creating the TGT that sendTicketGrantingTicketAction will 
> later pack up into the TGC during login-webflow.
> Blindly, I tried inserting createTicketGrantingTicketAction in the flow, 
> but of course that didn't work.
> Can someone point me to where CAS now expects to be creating the TGT?
> -- 
> Ray Bon
> Programmer analyst
> Development Services, University Systems
> 2507218831 | CLE 019 | rb...@uvic.ca <javascript:>

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