Hey, I've got it working now. Here's what I've did to get it working: Created the following configuration to expose a bean for my properties:
@Configuration public class MyConfiguration { @Bean public MyConfigurationProperties myConfigurationProperties(){ return new MyConfigurationProperties(); } } Created a class that represents my properties: @Getter @Setter @ConfigurationProperties(value = "my", ignoreUnknownFields = false) public class MyConfigurationProperties { @NestedConfigurationProperty private MySystemProperties system = new MySystemProperties(); private List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<>(); } @Getter @Setter public class MvSystemProperties implements Serializable { private String name; private String version; } my: system: name: SystemName version: 1.0.0 resources: - name: cas.login.resources.res1 #Translatable tag in Thymeleaf using #{${}} url: /res1 - name: Sample #If tag does not exists in messageSource it just puts the text as-is (kinda useful) url: /sample META-INF/spring.factories org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration=\ org.apereo.cas.config.CasEmbeddedContainerTomcatConfiguration,\ org.apereo.cas.config.CasEmbeddedContainerTomcatFiltersConfiguration,\ br.com.my.sso.properties.MyConfiguration Thanks again for your help! -- - Website: https://apereo.github.io/cas - Gitter Chatroom: https://gitter.im/apereo/cas - List Guidelines: https://goo.gl/1VRrw7 - Contributions: https://goo.gl/mh7qDG --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "CAS Community" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to cas-user+unsubscr...@apereo.org. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/a/apereo.org/d/msgid/cas-user/41eea141-ad89-4424-aff5-bc003d70b1b2%40apereo.org.