
I'm not sure it helps in your case, but we had a similar issue with some applications:
- the application creates a session and store information before going to CAS
- the application redirects to CAS which asks password
- CAS redirects to the application
- the user clicks on "back" button
- CAS session is valid, so it goes back to the application again. In some cases, the application is not happy to receive an expected ticket [*]. And even if it works, the user wonders why "back" did not work

The solution we used:

- on CAS form asking for login&password, we added onsubmit="ignore_on_history_back()"

   function ignore_on_history_back() {
      // on back, do not autolog nor prompt, go back to the app
try { window.history.replaceState({}, null, location.href.replace('/cas/login', '/cas/authentification-en-cours.html')) } catch (e) {}

- we added a static page authentification-en-cours.html

   var isForward = (history.state || {}).isForward;
   try {
     history.replaceState({ isForward: !isForward }, null, null);
   } catch (e) {}
   history.go(isForward ? 1 : -1);
Page temporaire d'authentification. Nous vous redirigeons vers la page précédente...

  (cf https://cas.univ-paris1.fr/cas/authentification-en-cours.html)

[*] we have this issue with shibboleth-idp that is configured to delegate to CAS

Julien Gribonvald <julien.gribonv...@recia.fr> a écrit :


Is there a simple way to force user to come from a service before to authenticate ?

I mean before accessing to some services (not all) a user should come from an entry point (a service on which he will be authenticated after, like a portal), if not he should be redirected to this entry point.

If not is it the a thing to define a service policy from the service management to do that ? Or are you seing a better way ?


Julien Gribonvald

Pascal Rigaux

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