Hello Andy, really thank you for your answer, my cas.properties is:

By chance do you know where I can get an example already done similar to 
what I should do?

Thanks again.

cas.server.prefix:  ${cas.server.name}/cas
logging.config: file:/etc/cas/config/log4j2.xml

cas.tgc.secure:                       true

server.ssl.enabled= false
cas.serviceRegistry.initFromJson:    true
cas.serviceRegistry.json.location:    file:/etc/cas/services
cas.tgc.crypto.encryption.key:   9AgRGsZtp2nByoQ8cjHJcUXfxpc3E9eUByPlLd_u1Nc
cas.webflow.crypto.encryption.key:   N7+vAWDADDWAz2zQ==

# Spring Security's EL-based access rules for the /status URI of CAS that 
exposes health check information
#cas.securityContext.status.access=hasIpAddress('') or 

# Spring Security's EL-based access rules for the /statistics URI of CAS 
that exposes stats about the CAS server
#cas.securityContext.statistics.access=hasIpAddress('') or 


# CAS Logout Behavior
# WEB-INF/cas-servlet.xml
# Specify whether CAS should redirect to the specified service parameter on 
/logout requests

# Single Sign-On Session Timeouts
# Defaults sourced from 
# Maximum session timeout - TGT will expire in maxTimeToLiveInSeconds 
regardless of usage
# Idle session timeout -  TGT will expire sooner than 
maxTimeToLiveInSeconds if no further requests
# for STs occur within timeToKillInSeconds

# Service Ticket Timeout
# Default sourced from 
# Service Ticket timeout - typically kept short as a control against replay 
attacks, default is 10s.  You'll want to
# increase this timeout if you are manually testing service ticket 
creation/validation via tamperdata or similar tools



# Metodo de Autentificación




# Password Policy
# Warn all users of expiration date regardless of warningDays value.
# password.policy.warnAll=false

# Threshold number of days to begin displaying password expiration warnings.
# password.policy.warningDays=30

# URL to which the user will be redirected to change the password.


El martes, 18 de junio de 2019, 23:18:50 (UTC-3), Andy Ng escribió:
> Hi Fernando,
> > A user enters his username and password, that data must go to a service 
> implemented by us, which returns a JSON, with the validation of the user 
> (who can enter) and with his data for the session as his nikname, role, 
> etc. etc etc, that remains for later.
> > 
> https://apereo.github.io/cas/5.3.x/installation/Configuration-Properties.html#rest-authentication
> Seems to me that you are on the right track, the link above is what you 
> want. I have tried it around the time 5.1 is still new and this do work as 
> what you want.
> > I do not know how to tell the CAS to call my service and give it the 
> same route
> Can you show us yoru properties file? Seems like a good start would be:
> cas.authn.rest.uri=https://your.rest.server
> And inside your rest server, you can follow the guide on the description 
> here to get the useranme and password.
> https://apereo.github.io/cas/5.3.x/installation/Rest-Authentication.html
> So you will need to change your internal service to accept the rest 
> authentication format in the  above doc.
> See if the above helps.
> Cheers!
> - Andy

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