You dont need an allowedAttributes sections for this, just an 
attributeReleasePolicy like so:

   attributeReleasePolicy : {
        @class :
        allowedAttributes : {
            @class : java.util.TreeMap
            mail : "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3"
            gecos : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241"
            eduPersonPrincipalName : "urn:oid:"

On Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 3:54:19 AM UTC-5, stonej wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to move away from shibboleth IDP and move to CAS IDP but 
> having a few issues, I have had a look at the documentation and this group 
> and cannot seem to find the answer.  I need to pass certain attributes, 
> these ones -
> urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 - mail value email address
> urn:oid: - eduPersonAffiliation value member
> urn:oid: - eduPersonAffiliation value staff or 
> student
> urn:oid: - eduPersonPrincipalName mail value email 
> address
> urn:oid: - sn value surname
> urn:oid: - eduPersonScopedAffiliation value 
> <javascript:>
> urn:oid: - eduPersonScopedAffiliation value staff 
> or <javascript:>
> urn:oid: - givenName value First Name
> urn:oid: - eduPersonTargetedID Value random id 
> based on salt
> urn:oid: - eduPersonEntitlement value 
> urn:mace:dir:entitlement:common-lib-terms
> but I am getting : 
> credentialType credentialType UsernamePasswordCredential
> samlAuthenticationStatementAuthMethod 
> samlAuthenticationStatementAuthMethod 
> urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:am:password
> isFromNewLogin isFromNewLogin true
> authenticationDate authenticationDate 2020-01-22T13:59:03.213799Z
> urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 
> <javascript:>
> authenticationMethod authenticationMethod LdapAuthenticationHandler
> urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 
> Username
> successfulAuthenticationHandlers successfulAuthenticationHandlers 
> LdapAuthenticationHandler
> longTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed 
> longTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed false
> urn:oid: urn:oid: FirstName
> urn:oid: urn:oid: Surname
> Here is my JSON file:
> {
>   "@class" : "",
>   "serviceId" : "SERVICE",
>   "name" : "Apache Secured By SAML",
>   "id" : 100000011,
>   "description" : "CAS development Apache mod_shib/shibd server with 
> username/password protection",
>   "metadataLocation" : "file:////etc/cas/saml/metadata/metadata.xml",
>   "encryptAssertions": "true",
>   "attributeReleasePolicy" : {
>     "@class" : 
> "",
> "allowedAttributes" : {
>       "@class" : "java.util.TreeMap",
>   "eppn" : "urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonPrincipalName",
>       "cn" : "urn:oid:",
>       "displayName" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241",
>       "givenName" : "urn:oid:",
>       "mail" : "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3",
>       "role" : "urn:DOMAIN:attribute-def:role",
>       "sn" : "urn:oid:",
>       "uid" : "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1",
>       "UDC_IDENTIFIER": "urn:DOMAIN:attribute-def:UDC_IDENTIFIER",
>   "eppn" : "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1"
>   "affiliation" : "urn:oid:"
>   "affiliation" : "staff"
>     }
> "persistentIdGenerator" : {
>       "@class" : 
> "org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.ShibbolethCompatiblePersistentIdGenerator",
>       "salt" : "aGVsbG93b3JsZA==",
>       "attribute": "eduPersonEntitlement"
>     }
>   },
>   "evaluationOrder" : 1125
> }
> What am I doing wrong ?  I do have other files to prepare but I know if I 
> can get this one working I can get the other ones working,
> Thanks for all your help
> Jeff

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