
I don't know if this problem belongs to this group, or to the phpCAS 
GitHub. If you consider I should post an issue in the GitHub repo of the 
phpCAS tool, please tell me.

I have a basic CAS 6.4.2 server running under the URL https://mycas.com. I 
also have a basic php client that I'm trying to connect to it using CAS 3 
protocol. This php app uses the phpCAS official client (
https://github.com/apereo/phpCAS), version 1.4.0.

I can use this Apereo CAS instance to secure connections to other NodeJS 
apps, but when I try to connect to the php app, it fails while trying to 
verify the Service Ticket. Note that the verification fails while trying to 
verify the ticket, not before. It correctly receives the ST when the user 
is verified against Apereo CAS.

The error message that the php app logs is:

*PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Extra content at the end of the 
document in Entity, line: 1 in 
on line 3426 *

*Ticket not validated *

*Reason: bad response from the CAS server CAS response: *

* <head/><cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas='http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas'> 
<cas:authenticationSuccess> *

*     <cas:user>XXX</cas:user> *

*     <cas:attributes> *

*         <cas:clientIpAddress>XXX</cas:clientIpAddress>   *

*        <cas:isFromNewLogin>false</cas:isFromNewLogin> *

<cas:authenticationDate>2021-11-29T13:53:40.699600Z</cas:authenticationDate> *  

*                       RestAuthenticationHandler*

*        </cas:successfulAuthenticationHandlers> *

*        <cas:userAgent>XXX</cas:userAgent> *

*        <cas:credentialType>*

*             UsernamePasswordCredential*

*         </cas:cre *

on line 3428*


>From that error, and the warning that comes before (in the first line of 
the logs), I understand that the problem is with the *</head>* tag, that 
turns the xml into a malformed response. What seems weird to me is that 
this closing tag doesn't seem to appear when I access the NodeJS app that 
is authenticated by the same Apereo CAS instance (using also the version 3 
of the CAS protocol).

I also filtered the responses that CAS sent to both the NodeJS app (that 
works) and the php app (that doesn't), using tcpdump. Both look the same, 
so Apereo CAS isn't changing the way it answers the apps (not like I 
expected that, just to confirm that the problem seems to be on the phpCAS 
<-> Apereo CAS interaction).

*What I have tried to troubleshoot the problem: *

   - Changing the CAS protocol version from 3 to 2 -> didn't solve anything
   - Using older versions of the phpClient (1.3.5 and 1.3.8 specifically)  
   -> didn't solve anything
   - Modifying the attributes that Apereo CAS should send to the php app 
   (through the JSON used in the service registry)  -> didn't solve anything
   - Using an older version of Apereo CAS (5.2.x). -> This one actually 
   seems to work, but I can't find why. And using a version of Apereo CAS that 
   is that old is not an option

*What I ask then*

How can I solve my problem of the phpCAS client receiving that </head> tag? 
Is it something about how I configured the Apereo CAS server, or the phpCAS 
client? Or something else?

Any help would be appreciated,

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