My service is  test-1.json

"@class": "",
"serviceId": "^(http|https|imaps)://*",
"name": "test",
"id": 1,
"description": "Straggle Today!",
"authenticationPolicy": {
        "requiredAuthenticationHandlers": ["java.util.TreeSet", [ "everest" 
        "criteria": {
            "try-All": false, <- this probablly shoud make magic but it 

I am not included in cas.propierties any directive  like 


My  version Cas-overlay  is 6.3.2 on docker ,I  have 3 AD handlers  and   i 
test   nonserviced  login via  and i can see that 
  some times  it use  ppm handler or  second everest  one becouse userx is 
in  both it semms to be ok.If i test fore service  via   REST API  
(becouse  for this sandbox cas i not conected any servis phisicaly yet  so 
i  test it via comand line  but it doesn't seem be a reason  of 
problems),but i  trully blieve that you have some hack  to manage it. 

TEST curl:
from server side:
cat api_test.bash
ff=`curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: Application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 
'Accept: applications/json' -d 
echo $ff
dd="curl -X POST -H \"Content-Type: Application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" -H 
\"Accept: application/json\""$ff"?service=";
echo "dd:$dd"
echo "$st"
vv="curl  -k"$st
echo "|$vv|"
echo "|$output|"

So i received:

|<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas=''>
< - here i want to have deterministic everest ( not sometimes ppm  or 
everest )

Restult is not deterministic  .User is receiving auth sometimes from ppm 
sometimes from everest  . I dicsovered that if i restart cas container : I 
coud have ppm    and  it seems that to te next restart keep ppm handler .If 
i meke next restart od cas i can have ppm or everest. Between restart it 
looks like it keep handler   chosed at the begginig. It is litle bit magic 
for me.

piątek, 3 grudnia 2021 o 08:58:43 UTC+1 artur miś napisał(a):

> Could you please  if you  can show   cas.auth.policies too ,you have  
> connectet to this solution ?
> AM
> czwartek, 2 grudnia 2021 o 17:04:45 UTC+1 C Ryan napisał(a):
>> This is what I'm be honest I can't seem to recall if this does 
>> not bother trying the other resources...I think it does what we originally 
>> wanted.
>>  "authenticationPolicy": {
>>         "requiredAuthenticationHandlers": ["LDAP"],
>>         "criteria": {
>>             "tryAll": false,
>>             "_class": 
>> ""
>>         },
>>         "_class": 
>> ""
>>     },
>> On 12/2/21 10:34 AM, artur miś wrote:
>> Have you find out solution ?
>> wtorek, 4 maja 2021 o 17:58:20 UTC+2 C Ryan napisał(a):
>>> Folks,
>>> Sorry for the likely stupid post, I swore I had sorted this prior. But I 
>>> have 3 authentication sources defined. LDAP, Radius and Google MFA.
>>> I want to restrict a service to using - and most importantly trying - 
>>> only an explicitly configured service. I.e. If I say LDAP as the Auth 
>>> Resource, upon a failure I do _not_ want it to go ahead and try the other 
>>> resources.
>>> In I have:
>>> cas.authn.policy.source-selection-enabled=false
>>> cas.authn.policy.required-handler-authentication-policy-enabled=true
>>> cas.authn.policy.req.try-all=false
>>> and an example service definition as below:
>>> {
>>>     "_id": {
>>>         "$numberLong": "9999999999999"
>>>     },
>>>     "serviceId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
>>>     "name": "SSO CAS Server",
>>>     "expirationPolicy": {
>>>         "deleteWhenExpired": false,
>>>         "notifyWhenDeleted": false,
>>>         "notifyWhenExpired": false,
>>>         "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>     },
>>>     "acceptableUsagePolicy": {
>>>         "enabled": true,
>>>         "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>     },
>>>     "proxyPolicy": {
>>>         "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>     },
>>>     "proxyTicketExpirationPolicy": {
>>>         "numberOfUses": {
>>>             "$numberLong": "0"
>>>         },
>>>         "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>     },
>>>     "serviceTicketExpirationPolicy": {
>>>         "numberOfUses": {
>>>             "$numberLong": "0"
>>>         },
>>>         "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>     },
>>>     "evaluationOrder": 99999,
>>>     "usernameAttributeProvider": {
>>>         "canonicalizationMode": "NONE",
>>>         "encryptUsername": false,
>>>         "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>     },
>>>     "logoutType": "BACK_CHANNEL",
>>>     "environments": [],
>>>     "attributeReleasePolicy": {
>>>         "principalAttributesRepository": {
>>>             "mergingStrategy": "MULTIVALUED",
>>>             "attributeRepositoryIds": [],
>>>             "ignoreResolvedAttributes": false,
>>>             "_class": 
>>> "org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.DefaultPrincipalAttributesRepository"
>>>         },
>>>         "consentPolicy": {
>>>             "enabled": true,
>>>             "order": 0,
>>>             "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>         },
>>>         "authorizedToReleaseCredentialPassword": false,
>>>         "authorizedToReleaseProxyGrantingTicket": false,
>>>         "excludeDefaultAttributes": false,
>>>         "authorizedToReleaseAuthenticationAttributes": true,
>>>         "order": 0,
>>>         "_class": ""
>>>     },
>>>     "multifactorPolicy": {
>>>         "multifactorAuthenticationProviders": [],
>>>         "failureMode": "UNDEFINED",
>>>         "bypassEnabled": false,
>>>         "forceExecution": false,
>>>         "bypassTrustedDeviceEnabled": false,
>>>         "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>     },
>>>     "accessStrategy": {
>>>         "order": 0,
>>>         "enabled": true,
>>>         "ssoEnabled": true,
>>>         "delegatedAuthenticationPolicy": {
>>>             "allowedProviders": [],
>>>             "permitUndefined": true,
>>>             "exclusive": false,
>>>             "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>         },
>>>         "requireAllAttributes": true,
>>>         "requiredAttributes": {},
>>>         "rejectedAttributes": {},
>>>         "caseInsensitive": false,
>>>         "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>     },
>>>     "authenticationPolicy": {
>>>         "requiredAuthenticationHandlers" : ["java.util.TreeSet", [ "LDAP" 
>>> ]],
>>>         "criteria": {
>>>             "tryAll": false,
>>>             "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>         },
>>>         "_class": 
>>> ""
>>>     },
>>>     "properties": {},
>>>     "contacts": [],
>>>     "_class": ""
>>> }
>>> What am I missing?
>>> Thanks

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