
I'm having the same problem with:* java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 
Unable to locate authentication profile*

*In cas properties: *


*the json service registry (I have only this)*

"@class" : "org.apereo.cas.services.OidcRegisteredService",
"clientId": "*client_id*",
"clientSecret": "*client_secret*",
"serviceId" : "*^(https?)://.**",
"name" : "Oauth2OIDC",
"id" : 103935657744184,
"evaluationOrder" : 1,
"attributeReleasePolicy" : {
"@class" : "org.apereo.cas.services.ReturnAllAttributeReleasePolicy"

The client app/service is using spring boot (2.5.5) /spring security

The application.yml (please ignore the formatting of the yml)

debug: false
                       client-id: *client_id*
                       client-secret: *client_secret*
                       authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
                       client-authentication-method: client_secret_basic
                       scope: openid, profile
                        client-id: ........
                        client-secret: .....
                      issuer-uri: *https://catalin-pc.local/cas/oidc*

Spring security config below (simple as possible)

public class WebPortalSecurity extends *WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter *{

private ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository;

public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

*// I tried here to specify the CAS login page (here I'm getting that the 
service is not authorized to use CAS*)
// http.authorizeRequests(authorizeRequests -> 
// .oauth2Login(oauth2-> 

*// with this code will redirect me to as 
/oidc/oidcAuthorize?response_type=code and will endup in the profile not 
found error* -> debugging into the code I was seeing that this profile is 
somehow pac4j related??? (I also tried to integrate pac4j when doing the 
log in, but did not help)
http.authorizeRequests(authorizeRequests -> authorizeRequests.anyRequest()

On CAS side I have a dumb implementation of: 

protected AuthenticationHandlerExecutionResult 
authenticateUsernamePasswordInternal(UsernamePasswordCredential upc, String 
s) throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException {
       final String username = upc.getUsername();
       final String password = upc.getPassword();

       final HashMap<String, List<Object>> attributes = new HashMap<>();
       final ArrayList<Object> value = new ArrayList<>();
*       //put some dummy attributes here*
       attributes.put("profile", value);
       value.add("oidc profile");

       return createHandlerResult(upc, this.principalFactory.createPrincipal
(username, attributes));

-> {
here that attribute definitely is not present on my flow, hence ending up 
in the error...

The profile will try to be returned like this: (this is pac4j related 
code). I tried to integrate a pac4j authentication like this: 
I'm only interested now in the happy flow, so that with that dumb 
authenticator, similar with my simplified one that does no checks

Things to note:

   - I tried to minimize things so I removed any pages changes we had or 
   other custom things to keep CAS as close to the overlay template that is 
   being provided
   - I tried some 6.4.X versionsm, 6.5.1, and 6.6.0-RC1 (same issue), I 
   wanted to try latest version of 6.3.X but there were some issues with 
   java17 and spring version
   - From the above app/service spring security configuration, I'm able to 
   do a login with github (the flow seems to be similar, it goes to that 
   authorize, and if I'm not logged in in github, I'm seeing the github login 
   - I can authenticate to *https://.../cas/login *-> with the code 
   provided above, as well I'm seeing those attribute in the principal and I'm 
   seeing the authentication
   - If I try to authenticate like this: 
   *then I'm getting  *Application Not Authorized to Use CAS, *even though 
   in the service registry I added a broader pattern to match the service id:  
   - If I try to access directly the app, then i get this: 
   - .well-known works properly,
   - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: *Unable to locate authentication 
   profile* at 

Any hints on what I might be doing wrong are highly appreciated


On Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 10:57:13 AM UTC+2 Frédéric Lohier wrote:

> Hello,
> I haven't had any issue with the .well-known URL in CAS 6.3.x and CAS 
> 6.4.x. Have you set all the other relevant OIDC settings? (claims, scopes, 
> keys, etc. ?).
> -Frederic
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 9:26 AM Guillaume EGRON <capla...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> We did not run any tests on the 6.4.x branch since my original post, we 
>> choose to stay with 6.3.x
>> I've just build a new CAS overlay template but still facing the 
>> issue.
>> I take a look back at the OpenID Connect documentation 
>> https://apereo.github.io/cas/6.4.x/authentication/OIDC-Authentication.html#configuration,
>> fix the property cas.authn.oidc.core.issuer (according to the 
>> documentation, there was an unecessary trailing slash in my previous 
>> configuration). The property looks like this now :
>> cas.authn.oidc.core.issuer=${cas.server.name}/cas/oidc
>> But, that does not fix the issue
>> https://localhost:8443/cas/oidc/.well-known still redirects to a 404 
>> error page
>> Le mardi 11 janvier 2022 à 05:29:21 UTC+1, Vaibhav Narula a écrit :
>>> We are also seeing the same issue in  . Were you able to Solve 
>>> this issue ? 
>>> On Wednesday, 25 August 2021 at 03:50:43 UTC-6 Guillaume EGRON wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> building a cas overlay using cas initializr
>>>> {"version":"6.4.0","bootVersion":"2.5.4","sync":true,"branch":"6.4","type":"cas"}
>>>> Added OIDC support and test it with the sample client application found 
>>>> in the documentation 
>>>> https://apereo.github.io/cas/6.4.x/authentication/OIDC-Authentication.html#sample-client-applications
>>>> CAS is deployed inside Apache Tomcat external container.
>>>> Configuration in cas.properties file :
>>>> cas.server.name=https://<domain>
>>>> cas.server.prefix=${cas.server.name}/cas
>>>> cas.authn.oidc.core.issuer=${cas.server.prefix}/oidc/
>>>> https://<domain>/cas/oidc/.well-known redirects to a 404 error page
>>>> Client app redirects to CAS login page successfully, after submitting 
>>>> login and password, CAS redirects to Application Not Authorized to Use CAS.
>>>> In the log file, found this message 
>>>> : [org.apereo.cas.oidc.util.OidcRequestSupport] - <Issuer 
>>>> [https://<domain>/cas/oidc] defined in CAS configuration does not match 
>>>> the 
>>>> request issuer [http://<domain>/cas/oidc/authorize]>
>>>> Note that the request issuer in http (not https) and the ending 
>>>> /authorize endpoint
>>>> Fix the cas.properties as follow
>>>> cas.authn.oidc.core.issuer=http://<domain>/cas/oidc/authorize
>>>> Restart CAS
>>>> Client app redirects to CAS login page with error 
>>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to locate authentication 
>>>> profile
>>>> at 
>>>> org.apereo.cas.support.oauth.web.endpoints.OAuth20AuthorizeEndpointController.lambda$redirectToCallbackRedirectUrl$0(OAuth20AuthorizeEndpointController.java:164)
>>>> at java.base/java.util.Optional.orElseThrow(Optional.java:408)
>>>> at 
>>>> org.apereo.cas.support.oauth.web.endpoints.OAuth20AuthorizeEndpointController.redirectToCallbackRedirectUrl(OAuth20AuthorizeEndpointController.java:164)
>>>> at 
>>>> org.apereo.cas.support.oauth.web.endpoints.OAuth20AuthorizeEndpointController.handleRequest(OAuth20AuthorizeEndpointController.java:87)
>>>> at 
>>>> org.apereo.cas.oidc.web.controllers.authorize.OidcAuthorizeEndpointController.handleRequest(OidcAuthorizeEndpointController.java:49)
>>>> Downgrade CAS to CAS 6.4.0-RC6
>>>> Configuration in cas.properties file :
>>>> cas.server.name=https://<domain>
>>>> cas.server.prefix=${cas.server.name}/cas
>>>> cas.authn.oidc.core.issuer=${cas.server.prefix}/oidc/
>>>> https://<domain>/cas/oidc/.well-known redirect to a 404 error page
>>>> Property cas.authn.oidc.core.issuer=${cas.server.prefix}/oidc/ leads to 
>>>> [org.apereo.cas.oidc.util.OidcRequestSupport] - <Issuer 
>>>> [https://<domain>/cas/oidc] defined in CAS configuration does not match 
>>>> the 
>>>> request issuer [http://<domain>/cas/oidc/authorize]>
>>>> Fix the cas.properties as follow
>>>> cas.authn.oidc.core.issuer=http://<domain>/cas/oidc/authorize
>>>> Restart CAS
>>>> Client app redirects to CAS login page successfully, after submitting 
>>>> login and password, CAS redirects to Claims authorizarion page. Submit it
>>>> Browser redirect 
>>>> to 
>>>> https://<client_app_domain>:9443/simple-web-app/openid_connect_login?code=OC-x-xxxx&state=zzz&nonce=yy
>>>> and display "HTTP ERROR 401 Authentication Failed: Unable to obtain Access 
>>>> Token: 404"
>>>> Downgrade CAS to CAS 6.4.0-RC5
>>>> Configuration in cas.properties file :
>>>> cas.server.name=https://<domain>
>>>> cas.server.prefix=${cas.server.name}/cas
>>>> cas.authn.oidc.core.issuer=${cas.server.prefix}/oidc/
>>>> https://<domain>/cas/oidc/.well-known redirect successfully 
>>>> Client app redirects to CAS login page successfully, after submitting 
>>>> login and password, CAS redirects to Claims authorizarion page. Submit it
>>>> Client app displays ID Token and User Info
>>>> Did I miss some configurations inside cas.properties starting from CAS 
>>>> 6.4.0 RC6 ?
>>>> Or is there a bug here ?
>>> -- 
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