
This sounds like what Jérôme talked about in this thread 


On Fri, 2023-06-09 at 05:03 -0700, Miguel Martínez De Espronceda Cámara wrote:
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Dear all,

I am reaching out regarding the use of CAS 6.6.8 for serving SAML2 requests. 
Currently, we are in the process of migrating our Google integration from the 
deprecated Google-native integration to standard SAML2 endpoints. To provide 
some context, the deprecated module was designed to directly reply within the 
/cas/login endpoint without performing a redirect. This approach deviates from 
the regular protocol integration, which follows the bridge pattern as described 
in the following documentation: 

During our migration, we have encountered what appears to be a general bug in 
the SAML2 endpoints. We have observed that this endpoint saves the SAMLauthn 
(SAML authentication) in the user session prior to redirection to the login. 
Upon user login, the user is redirected to the SAML Callback endpoint, which 
retrieves the SAMLauthn request from the session and generates the 

While this process works smoothly when the user completes the flow 
sequentially, we have encountered an issue when the user opens another 
SSO-integrated application in a separate browser tab before logging in. In this 
scenario, the controller overrides the SAMLauthn from the first tab with the 
SAMLauthn from the second tab. Consequently, when the user logs in on one of 
the tabs, it works correctly in the second tab but results in an error in the 
first tab.

I wanted to inquire if anyone else has experienced this issue and, if so, how 
you resolved or worked around it. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly 

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

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