Start by stating current deployment uses 6.6.6 with DBMS authentication, 
not LDAP.

Deployment uses the groovy approach for triggering simple MFA.  

Based on much testing and researching of this archive determined that if 
simple MFA is activated through groovy script that CAS will bypass 
surrogate selection.  From researching this archive others have run into 
the same limitation (at least for 6.6.6 and earlier, not sure about later 

For surrogate logging in using the +username / pass approach and then 
selecting surrogate from drop down. 

Surrogate process functions correctly, but only if MFA not selected by the 
groovy script.  This is true even if MFA not required in that exact login 
instance, having been satisfied by recent/previous login/MFA.  For example, 
groovy script determines that MFA is required for +username... system 
examines recent MFA cache... regardless if MFA required/not required at 
this moment.... surrogate process bypassed and authenticated/released 
parameters are for original +username.

Current deployment's security requirements restrict surrogate to internal 
use only, while only requiring MFA externally so at this time not an issue 
as both MFA and surrogate are working within their separate 
external/internal scopes.  Future requirements may likely require MFA 
internally as well, which with current deployment would conflict with 
internal scope surrogate process. 

Looking at attached groovy scripts from other posts it appears they are 
potentially using other MFA ("mfa-gauth", "mfa-webauthn").  Perhaps issue 
with our deployment is a default web flow issue specific to simple MFA.

Simple MFA currently works in all instances, but does not flow to 
surrogate.  If groovy script below returns null for MFA then flow to 
surrogate selection works as intended.

import java.util.*
class SampleGroovyProviderSelection {

    def String run(final Object... args) {
        def service = args[0]
        def authentication = args[2]
        def request = args[3]
        def logger = args[4]

        def mfa = null

        def email = authentication.principal.attributes['email']
        def phone = authentication.principal.attributes['phone']
        def mfaMode = authentication.principal.attributes['mfa_mode']'Groovy script for mfa')

           If user lacks both email and phone then bypass MFA 
           If plan is to prevent the user from authenticating if
           they cannot use MFA, that should be handled further upstream
           through the DBMS view.  It can simply prevent them from
           ever authenticating (if that is the desired outcome), in 
           which case they will never even get to this point
        if (mfaMode && (email || phone)) {
          if (mfaMode.contains("Y")) {
             mfa = ["mfa-simple"]
        return mfa

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