Hi,   For this one, I was able to find the solution myself after a several 
hours break : package "org.example.something" was not related to any already 
configured logger.   So with these statements and a restart it's much better 
:-)           Regards

Le 20-Sep-2023 14:35:03 +0200, cas-user@apereo.org a crit: 
 Hi,   I have spent a lot of time trying to understand how the internals of CAS 
Webflow are working during the last weeks, and I have made some progress.   
With informations gathered here 
 and there https://fawnoos.com/2021/08/20/cas64-webflow-extensions/ , I have 
managed to get some working code.       package org.example.something; 
 import org.apereo.cas.configuration.CasConfigurationProperties; import 
org.apereo.cas.web.flow.configurer.AbstractCasWebflowConfigurer; import 
 import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import lombok.val; 
 import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext; import 
org.springframework.webflow.definition.registry.FlowDefinitionRegistry; import 
org.springframework.webflow.engine.Flow; import 
org.springframework.webflow.engine.builder.support.FlowBuilderServices; import 
 @Slf4j public class SomethingWebflowConfigurer extends 
AbstractCasWebflowConfigurer {  public 
SomethingWebflowConfigurer(FlowBuilderServices flowBuilderServices,  
FlowDefinitionRegistry flowDefinitionRegistry,  ConfigurableApplicationContext 
applicationContext,  CasConfigurationProperties casProperties) {  
super(flowBuilderServices, flowDefinitionRegistry, applicationContext, 
casProperties);  } 
  @Override  protected void doInitialize() {  var flow = super.getLoginFlow();  
LOGGER.debug("[TESTING] doInitialize@SomethingWebflowConfigurer flow={}", 
  if (flow != null) {  tweakFlow(flow);  }  } 
  protected void tweakFlow(final Flow flow) {  LOGGER.debug("[TESTING] 
tweakFlow@@SomethingWebflowConfigurer flow={}", flow);  val state = 
getState(flow, CasWebflowConstants.STATE_ID_VIEW_LOGIN_FORM, ViewState.class);  
CasWebflowConstants.STATE_ID_MFA_UNAVAILABLE);  } }     Of course it's far from 
doing what I am expecting yet, but at least it is finally compling and running 
:   What annoys me is that it's not logging anything.   Of course my CAS 
instance has an exhaustive "log4j.xml" configuration, and I get a lot of 
informations in "cas.log" and on the console.   But nothing in this case.   I 
first thought it was not working or was ignored, but no, having a look at the 
JSON dump of the webflows reveals the creation operations have been executed.   
What did I miss ?   Regards 

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