
It is possible to get attributes at time of authentication for ldap and jdbc.

cas.authn.ldap[0].principal-attribute-list= \
mail, \
cn, \
sn, \

That will give you one source. See

Does your user identifier exist in the non target DAOs?
If not, then that DAO will not return any attributes, so the only cost is time 
taken to perform the lookup.

There is a custom attribute resolver option,

And scriptable filter option,
The applicationContext will have some properties that identify the authn method.

The above two approaches will get user attributes prior to person directory 

I have not worked with person directory so can not say how to manipulate it.


On Wed, 2023-10-11 at 06:48 -0700, Luís Costa wrote:
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I'm implementing CAS 6.6.x (currently I have 6.6.8), and I need to make an 
association between authentication handlers and attribute repositories / 
PersonAttributeDaos, for example, LdapAuthHandler[0] => Dao1, Dao2 and 
JdbcAuthHandler[0] => Dao1, Dao3.

The goal is that each auth handler only tries to get attributes from the 
attribute repositories that make sense to it.

I'm trying to do this, by creating a custom property in for each 
auth handler, that holds a comma-separated list of one or more attribute 
repositories Ids (defined in standard props  
I got this ideia from the standard property 

Then, my plan is to extend the PersonDirectoryPrincipalResolver and manipulate 
the context.attributeRepository.personAttributeDaos, so that only the Daos that 
the auth handler "supports" are "executed".

Does this makes sense? Is it a possible and logic solution? Is there a better 
"standard solution" ?

Best regards,

Luís Costa

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