> Where does the additional metadata come from :

We  have  added it in groovy  staticly  for checking purposes .

> You could put a timer around each statement in the script to see which 
one(s) takes a long time 

Ray: 11ms but :

I have found out   that problem coming from groove just before executing 
script  :  
2023-12-13 08:10:50,698 TRACE [org.apereo.cas.util.scripting.ScriptingUtils] - 
<Creating groovy object instance from class 
And this creation takes 5sec for very  basic script . Of course if you add 
somthing what  colecting  metadata this time rise up  to 10 sec.  This that 
5 sec is too much . We observed too that    for dockerized cas  creating 
groovy object  instance for  basic script takes 10 sec but mor advanced 
scenario 15sec.

Startup without Contenetization
 ./gradlew clean build
./gradlew CopyCasConfiguration
 ./gradlew run

Start up with contenerization
docker start  etc/itd

how to reproduce this:

1) cas.properties

cas.authn.accept.name=Static Credentials

2) /etc/cas/config/custom-attr.groovy

(default documentation script)

import java.util.*

def run(final Object... args) {
    def (username,attributes,logger,properties,appContext) = args

    def startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() 

    logger.debug("[{}]: The received uid is [{}]", this.class.simpleName, 

    def result = [username:[username], likes:["cheese", "food"], 
id:[1234,2,3,4,5], another:["attribute"]] < - aditional metadata comming 
from this script/line not from other  sophisticated resources  . In 
production we have other ldaps etc but not here, becouse we have discovered 
posibilile problems here so we simplified case  . 

    def stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    def executionTime = stopTime - startTime 

    logger.debug("Czas wykonania skryptu to: ${executionTime} ms")

    return result


3) start cas and login as test/test123 few times 


2023-12-13 08:10:50,698 TRACE [org.apereo.cas.util.scripting.ScriptingUtils] - 
<Creating groovy object instance from class 

commment: lag 9 seconds (creating groovy object)

2023-12-13 08:10:59,307 TRACE [org.apereo.cas.util.scripting.ScriptingUtils] - 
<Executing groovy script's [run] method, with parameters [[test, 
{principal=[test], credentialId=[test], 
credentialClass=[UsernamePasswordCredential], username=[test]}...>

commment: script run in 11ms 

2023-12-13 08:10:59,318 DEBUG 
[org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.resolvers.InternalGroovyScriptDao] - 
<Groovy-based attributes found are [{username=[test], likes=[cheese, food], 
id=[1234, 2, 3, 4, 5], another=[attribute]}]> 

wtorek, 12 grudnia 2023 o 19:12:55 UTC+1 Ray Bon napisał(a):

> artur,
> Where does the additional metadata come from?
> That script looks very basic. You could put a timer around each statement 
> in the script to see which one(s) takes a long time.
> Ray
> On Tue, 2023-12-12 at 02:19 -0800, artur miś wrote:
> Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria 
> email system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.
> Buddys i atached some more information :
> I have got problem with long execution time of basic groovy script:
> cas.authn.attribute-repository.groovy[0].location=file:/etc/cas/config/custom-attr.groovy
> import java.util.*
> import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
> import groovy.transform.Field
> import javax.naming.directory.*
> import java.util.Hashtable
> import javax.naming.*
> @Field File file = new File("/etc/cas/config/groovy_logs.txt")
> def run(final Object... args) {
> def (username,attributes,logger,properties,appContext) = args
> logger.debug("[{}]: The received uid is [{}]", this.class.simpleName, 
> username)
> file.append "\n login: "+args[0]+" cas-id:"+args[1]['principal']+"\n"
> file.append "\n version groove: "+GroovySystem.version+"\n"
> // All attribute values must be defined as a collection wrapped in []
> return [username:[username], likes:["6cheese", "7food"], 
> id:[1234,2,3,4,5], another:["attribute"] ]
> println GroovySystem.version
> }
> System CAS:
> CAS Version: 7.0.0-RC9
> CAS Branch: master
> CAS Commit Id: xxxxxxxxxxx
> CAS Build Date/Time: 2023-11-25T07:12:15.881468Z
> Spring Boot Version: 3.2.0
> Spring Version: 6.1.0
> Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/zulu21-ca-amd64
> Java Vendor: Azul Systems, Inc.
> Java Version: 21.0.1
> Servlet Version: 6.0.0
> JVM Free Memory: 345 MB
> JVM Maximum Memory: 4 GB
> JVM Total Memory: 512 MB
> OS Architecture: amd64
> OS Name: Linux
> OS Version: 5.4.0-167-generic
> OS Date/Time: 2023-12-12T10:35:50.786113719
> OS Temp Directory: /tmp
> Logs:
> 2023-12-12 10:41:41,731 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.authentication.attribute.PrincipalAttributeRepositoryFetcher] 
> - <Fetching person attributes for query [{principal=xxxxxx data xxxxxxx}]>
> no activity in the log (just waiting ) 
> 2023-12-12 10:41:55,497 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.resolvers.InternalGroovyScriptDao] 
> - <[custom-attr]: The received uid is [christmas_banny]>
> 2023-12-12 10:41:55,497 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.resolvers.InternalGroovyScriptDao] 
> - <Groovy-based attributes found are [{username=[christmas_banny], 
> likes=[6cheese, 7food], id=[1234, 2, 3, 4, 5], another=[attribute]}]>
> This problem has ocured only when we atached groovy without groovy 
> authentication work smoth. Groovy is slow or wait but after let say 15sek 
> returned additional metadata.What is the problem or where find out solution 
> ? 
> środa, 6 grudnia 2023 o 17:02:45 UTC+1 artur miś napisał(a):
> Hello,
> Have you noticed that groovy 4.0.15 is slow ?  I have hached to 4.0.16 and 
> the same .
> Regards 

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