I noticed CAS documentation for SSO sessions identify actuator endpoints
that seem like they would be useful to us.


In particular, something like "/cas/actuator/ssoSessions/users/{username}"
looks promising for helping to deal with compromised accounts where we'd
like to kill off any existing SSO sessions for a compromised user.

But it's not clear to me how you actually use this in practice to
accomplish this? In addition to how you would use the Get and Delete
"flavors" of this, we'd need to strictly limit access to this capability –
what are the access control options for these endpoints and how do you
configure them? I couldn't find the relevant info on that page or via
searches in the docs.

Baron Fujimoto <ba...@hawaii.edu> ::: UH Information Technology Services
minutas cantorum, minutas balorum, minutas carboratum descendus pantorum

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