Can anyone offer advice on how to configure CAS for case-sensitive userids?  
The current behavior of CAS, server version 3.2.1, is to accept any combination 
of uppercase and lowercase letters that makeup the userid.  For example, 
"admin" is treated the same as "AdMIn" or "adMIN" when providing a 
username/password and will be authenticated, even though only the "admin" is 
stored in the LDAP.  The desired behavior is to treat "admin", "AdMIn", and 
"adMIN" as three separate userids and reject a login attempt with the wrong 

>From a little research, it appears that it may be a matter of configuring the 
>LDAP handler bean with the right filter.  The bean is currently configured as 

                                <bean id="ldapHandler" 
                                        <property name="filter" value="uid=%u" 

Can anyone provide the proper way to configure this bean for case-sensitivity 
or is there something else that needs to be done?

Barry Silk

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