On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Tillinghast, Andrew P. <
atill...@conncoll.edu> wrote:

> As to what happens when CAS is down that's two fold:
> 1) We use Google API's to allow our web based password change tools to Sync
> our passwords to Google. This allows end users to use devices such as their
> iPhone to access gmail via secure IMAP.

We're currently setting up Google's DirSync tool, so they'll get a hashed
version of the same password as the LDAP server that feeds CAS.  We had the
expected security debates internally, but there's really no way to get
around IMAP access for mobile devices.  It's too bad that Google doesn't
provide a way to use third party authentication sources for that.

> 2) Second we're preparing to cluster our on site datacenter with an
> off-site data center to support critical functions like email, accounting
> and our LMS. In the mean time, our CAS login to access google mail is as
> reliable, if not more so, then when we hosted our own email servers.

We're just starting to work on offsite redundancy for CAS and other
services.  We have a colo setup to act as a hot site, and CAS will be one of
the first things to move there (expect more questions about clustering!).
We may need to investigate some kind of stop-gap measures between
single-point-of-failure and super-mega-awesome-cluster-time.

I've spoken to other schools who consider the password sync as a viable
fallback when their SSO service is down.  I don't really like the idea of
exposing Google's native login UI, but it would be better than not having
access to your email.  Off the top of my head, the only ways I can think to
handle that during a CAS outage would be:

   1. Manually login to the Google Apps control panel and change the SSO
   settings, or
   2. Script an offsite monitoring system do it via Google's admin API.

Meh.  Graceful failover to the offsite data center would be awesome, but
some of the comments I've read on list make that sound pretty darned scary


Aaron Fuleki
Senior Web Architect
Denison University

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