I haven't defined any ordering (I left the Order field set to "0") and the only 
other service is the service manager itself 
(https://fortran.its.unb.ca/cas/services/**). That service isn't set to release 
any attributes, but if I allow it to release all attributes I see no 
differences in the logs or in the headers returned.

On 2012-01-18, at 23:48, Matt Smith wrote:

We need to first figure out why you have no attributes in the SAML response. Do 
you have any other URLs configured in service manager, perhaps one taking 
precedence and delivering no attributes?

On Jan 18, 2012 10:08 PM, "Joel Goguen" 
<joel.gog...@unb.ca<mailto:joel.gog...@unb.ca>> wrote:
Heh...I can see where that would cause a problem. Once I switch to samlValidate 
CAS authentication works fine, but now I'm not getting the attributes released 
like I expect. I've defined uid, eduPersonEntitlement and eduPersonAffiliation 
as attributes (the resultAttributeMapping property in the attributeRepository 
bean, which has class 
org.jasig.services.persondir.support.ldap.LdapPersonAttributeDao) and they show 
up in the service manager. When I defined the service definition (service URL: 
https://webtest.its.unb.ca/**) I chose all three attributes and selected 
"Enabled", "SSO Participant" and "Allowed to proxy", but not "Anonymous Access" 
or "Ignore Attribute Management via this Tool".

The SOAP response revealed in the debug logs is virtually identical to the 
example response at https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/SAML+1.1 except the 
response I get has no AttributeStatement block. In addition to the 
configuration I previously posted and changing CASValidateURL to 
https://fortran.its.unb.ca/cas/samlValidate, I've also added the following 
server-level directives:

CASAttributePrefix UNB_
CASAttributeDelimiter ;

And also "CASAuthNHeader UNBAUTH" in the Location directive for the protected 
service. The closest thing I see to headers from CAS is the HTTP_UNBAUTH header 
(HTTP_CAS_USER if I remove CASAuthNHeader) set to my username or the 
MOD_AUTH_CAS_S header.

Should the attributes released be accessible as HTTP headers? What I've found 
so far indicates they should if I set CASAttributePrefix (or both 
CASAttributePrefix and CASAuthNHeader according to some search results), but 
any concrete examples using mod_auth_cas seem to deal strictly with using the 
attributes for Apache authorization and require a patch from MAS-60.

On 2012-01-18, at 21:09, Matt Smith wrote:


If you are looking to use SAML, set  CASValidateURL to the SAML endpoint on 
your server, likely https://fortran.its.unb.ca/cas/samlValidate .  Right now, 
your configuration is attempting to speak SAML to your CASv2 protocol endpoint 
(sorry I didn't catch that sooner).


On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Joel Goguen 
<joel.gog...@unb.ca<mailto:joel.gog...@unb.ca>> wrote:
Hi Matt,

I am running behind Apache via AJP. Adding debug logging shows that 
mod_auth_cas seems to be posting to what I think is the right URL with the 
wrong parameters; the POST request is sent to 
 with Content-Type text/xml and Content-Length 382, but no indication of what 
the content may be. I would have expected the POST request to go to 
 or to https://fortran.its.unb.ca/cas/serviceValidate with the service and 
ticket as POST data.

If I look for the ticket associated with the request in log files, all I see is 
this, which in context are the lines associated with my successful 
authentication and CAS redirecting me to the service with my shiny new ticket.

/var/log/tomcat6/cas.log:2012-01-18 08<tel:2012-01-18%2008>:51:12,644 DEBUG 
[org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry] - Added ticket 
[ST-1-mar9N3FJDp2LbT6U274g-cas] to registry.
/var/log/tomcat6/cas.log:2012-01-18 08<tel:2012-01-18%2008>:51:12,645 INFO 
[org.jasig.cas.CentralAuthenticationServiceImpl] - Granted service ticket 
[ST-1-mar9N3FJDp2LbT6U274g-cas] for service 
[https://webtest.its.unb.ca/cas-dev/] for user 
/var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log:[Wed Jan 18 08:51:12 2012] [debug] 
ajp_header.c(599): ajp_unmarshal_response: Header[6] [Location] = 

Searching the Apache logs on the service's server, I only have this:

/var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log: - - [18/Jan/2012:08:51:12 -0400] 
"GET /cas-dev/?ticket=ST-1-mar9N3FJDp2LbT6U274g-cas HTTP/1.1" 401 486
/var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log:[Wed Jan 18 08:51:12 2012] [debug] 
mod_auth_cas.c(607): [client] Modified r->args (old 
'ticket=ST-1-mar9N3FJDp2LbT6U274g-cas', new ''), referer: 

I realized a crucial difference between our production environment and 
development: production does not have "CASValidateSAML On" in auth_cas.conf 
while the development environment does. If I remove CASValidateSAML from the 
development service, everything works perfectly and the serviceValidate POST 
request is done exactly as I would have expected. Is there perhaps an issue 
with newer versions of mod_auth_cas (I'm using with CAS Server 3.3.5 
when enabling SAML?

On 2012-01-17, at 20:14, Matt Smith wrote:

Is your CAS server running behind an Apache server (via AJP)? It appears that 
the ticket is somehow being dropped from the validation request. Could you 
increase either the CAS logging or the Apache logging (if CAS is behind Apache) 
to show the parameters of the validation request?

On Jan 17, 2012 10:14 AM, "Joel Goguen" 
<joel.gog...@unb.ca<mailto:joel.gog...@unb.ca>> wrote:
I'm using CAS 3.3.5 (which we're unfortunately stuck on due to some vendor 
compatibility issues) with Apache 2.2.3 and mod_auth_cas to try and 
protect a directory so I can do some testing with SAML attributes. What I'm 
actually getting is the protected directory failing with HTTP401 and the CAS 
ticket being left in the URL. There are no other authentication mechanisms in 
any higher directory. I'm not sure what information would be useful, so if I've 
missed something important please let me know.

In auth_cas.conf I've set these server directives:
LoadModule auth_cas_module modules/mod_auth_cas.so
CASVersion 2
CASLoginURL https://fortran.its.unb.ca/cas/login
CASValidateURL https://fortran.its.unb.ca/cas/serviceValidate
CASProxyValidateURL https://fortran.its.unb.ca/cas/proxyValidate
CASCookiePath /var/cache/apache/mod_auth_cas/
CASCertificatePath /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
CASAllowWildcardCert On
CASValidateServer Off
CASValidateSAML On
CASDebug On

In ssl.conf, at the VirtualHost level, I set "LogLevel debug" to get debug logs 
printed out. I have the following Location directive for the protected 
<Location /cas-dev>
       Options +ExecCGI
       AuthType CAS
       CASScope /
       Require valid-user
       AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

When I try to access this directory, Apache's logs (filtered for mod_auth_cas) 
give me:
=== Initial request: ===
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(1745): [client] 
Entering cas_authenticate()
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(519): [client] 
entering getCASService()
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(539): [client] 
CAS Service 
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(485): [client] 
entering getCASLoginURL()
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(462): [client] 
entering getCASGateway()
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(555): [client] 
entering redirectRequest()
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(567): [client] 
Adding outgoing header: Location: 

=== After successful authentication and redirection from CAS ===
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(1745): [client] 
Entering cas_authenticate()
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(607): [client] 
Modified r->args (old 'ticket=ST-3-eiSBy0oqb2BBL2df7gDc-cas', new '')
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(1600): [client] 
entering getResponseFromServer()
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(519): [client] 
entering getCASService()
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(539): [client] 
CAS Service 
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(1674): [client] 
Validation response: <cas:serviceResponse 
code='INVALID_REQUEST'>\n\t\t&#039;service&#039; and &#039;ticket&#039; 
parameters are both 
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(1293): [client] 
entering isValidCASTicket()
[Tue Jan 17 11:04:17 2012] [debug] mod_auth_cas.c(1299): [client] 
MOD_AUTH_CAS: response = <cas:serviceResponse 
code='INVALID_REQUEST'>\n\t\t&#039;service&#039; and &#039;ticket&#039; 
parameters are both 

On the CAS server, I have these logging properties set:
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, logfile
log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%c] - %m%n

All I get in cas.log when I authenticate is this:
2012-01-17 11<tel:2012-01-17%2011>:04:17,166 DEBUG 
[org.jasig.cas.web.support.CasArgumentExtractor] - Extractor generated service 
for: https://webtest.its.unb.ca/cas-dev/index.cgi
2012-01-17<https://webtest.its.unb.ca/cas-dev/index.cgi2012-01-17> 11:04:17,168 
DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry] - Attempting to 
retrieve ticket [TGT-1-cyZZbf6fjsz6tWtEPZYJ00bmkVLSwSg5INB7Dr03uRGXxCvDNN-cas]
2012-01-17 11<tel:2012-01-17%2011>:04:17,168 DEBUG 
[org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry] - Ticket 
[TGT-1-cyZZbf6fjsz6tWtEPZYJ00bmkVLSwSg5INB7Dr03uRGXxCvDNN-cas] found in 
2012-01-17 11<tel:2012-01-17%2011>:04:17,168 DEBUG 
[org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry] - Added ticket 
[ST-3-eiSBy0oqb2BBL2df7gDc-cas] to registry.
2012-01-17 11<tel:2012-01-17%2011>:04:17,168 INFO 
[org.jasig.cas.CentralAuthenticationServiceImpl] - Granted service ticket 
[ST-3-eiSBy0oqb2BBL2df7gDc-cas] for service 
[https://webtest.its.unb.ca/cas-dev/index.cgi] for user [jgoguen]
2012-01-17 11<tel:2012-01-17%2011>:04:17,168 DEBUG 
[org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry] - Attempting to retrieve 
ticket [TGT-1-cyZZbf6fjsz6tWtEPZYJ00bmkVLSwSg5INB7Dr03uRGXxCvDNN-cas]
2012-01-17 11<tel:2012-01-17%2011>:04:17,168 DEBUG 
[org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry] - Ticket 
[TGT-1-cyZZbf6fjsz6tWtEPZYJ00bmkVLSwSg5INB7Dr03uRGXxCvDNN-cas] found in 
2012-01-17 11<tel:2012-01-17%2011>:04:17,238 DEBUG 
[org.jasig.cas.web.support.CasArgumentExtractor] - Extractor did not generate 

I have two services defined currently, 
https://fortran.its.unb.ca/cas/services/** and https://webtest.its.unb.ca/**, 
but I get the same result (except the first cas.log line is the same as the 
last line) if I remove all service definitions. Any assistance with getting 
authentication working would be greatly appreciated.

Joel Goguen
Enterprise Solutions
Information Technology Services
University of New Brunswick
E-mail: jgog...@unb.ca<mailto:jgog...@unb.ca>
Phone: (506) 453-4872<tel:%28506%29%20453-4872>
Fax: (506) 453-3590<tel:%28506%29%20453-3590>

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Joel Goguen
Enterprise Solutions
Information Technology Services
University of New Brunswick
E-mail: jgog...@unb.ca<mailto:jgog...@unb.ca>
Phone: (506) 453-4872<tel:%28506%29%20453-4872>
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Joel Goguen
Enterprise Solutions
Information Technology Services
University of New Brunswick
E-mail: jgog...@unb.ca<mailto:jgog...@unb.ca>
Phone: (506) 453-4872<tel:%28506%29%20453-4872>
Fax: (506) 453-3590<tel:%28506%29%20453-3590>

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Joel Goguen
Enterprise Solutions
Information Technology Services
University of New Brunswick
E-mail: jgog...@unb.ca<mailto:jgog...@unb.ca>
Phone: (506) 453-4872
Fax: (506) 453-3590

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