Hi All,
I am learning how to build a war file using maven command lines.
Scott Battaglia's 
Best Practice - Setting Up CAS Locally using the Maven2 WAR Overlay Method
page was helpful to get me going.. I did exactly what is written in that page.
When I ran "mvn clean package", I got a war file, which when deployed under 
Tomcat/webapps, works fine.
My next challenge is how to add my own java files for authentication, and where 
to put those files.
Say, if I were to add a bean like this:
<property name="credentialsToPrincipalResolver">
class="com.mytest.cas.TestPrincipalBearingCredentialsToPrincipalResolver" />
Where would I put the necessary java files? Where the pom.xml exists? (at the 
very top level? Like I would create com/mytest/cas/ folders and put my java 
file there?). How do I tell maven to look for java files in certain places? I 
mean, when I say "com.mytest.cas.xx" from where that "com" begin?
There are so much resources in the internet. It is frustrating not to know how 
to use it to get one's job done.
Learning the rope the hard way,
PS: I could not make my Eclipse install maven plugin.. so I gave up using 
eclipse driven build for now.
PPS: It seems that when I run "mvn clean package", I need to be online. May be 
it is necessary to download some files for the first time, but I want it to 
stop contacting  the outside servers after the second time.. I cannot be 
connected to network all the times. 
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