> Thanks for the reply.  I actually got past this issue.  I think the
> instructions in the README are unclear.  In there it states:
Good catch, we'll update the documentation before the next release to
reflect the preferred use of ./configure && make.

> I found some issues online describing code patches that implement
> authorization using attributes:
> https://issues.jasig.org/browse/MAS-60
> https://issues.jasig.org/browse/MAS-37
> I gather this code is not included in the master version, and would
> need to be patched in, correct?  It looks interesting, but I'm not
> sure I need it, what's in the master version may be sufficient.
MAS-37 is closed, work is being tracked in MAS-60.  You are correct that
these have not been committed yet, so it is not (yet) possible to use
Apache's "Require" directive with mod_auth_cas attributes using the code in
master.  The attributes are still fetched and released to the application.


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