On Thu, 23 Aug 2012, Marvin Addison wrote:

  <bean id="samlServiceTicketUniqueIdGenerator" 
    <constructor-arg index="0" value="https://localhost:${host.port.https}"; />
    <property name="saml2compliant" value="true" />

My questions is about the constructor value.
We have a clustered environment and not sure if the URL should lead to the 
loadbalancer or rather the real machine names.

The only requirement is that it be unique across each node in the
cluster.  I prefer simple prefixes like cas-1, cas-2, etc.

I've been running the baseline uniqueIdGenerators.xml. Reading this thread, I decided to go look at it, and I see the "https://localhost:8443"; for the saml one.

I confess that I don't even know what samlServiceTicketUniqueIdGenerator does!

Can you explain it a bit? Should I be changing this from the default value?


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