
I am attempting to configure CAS 3.5.0 to operate in our environment and to
fit our needs. We are currently using a modified version of 3.3.5, and it
is working just fine.

One of the requirements we have is the LPPE functionality. I am currently
working to configure this functionality, but it appears something is
missing -- and I think I see where it is missing. We use Oracle OID as our
ldap source, and this seems to be working just fine for authentication, but
it appears that LPPE is not triggering correctly. When I configure the
warnDays, I can successfully get the warning to fire, display the proper
page for the users informing them that their password will expire in the
near future.

The problem appears to be some of the ldap return codes that should trigger
a password reset. When we administratively reset a password, we require
that the user change their password on next login. Using ldapsearch, I can
see this:
$ ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/ldapsearch -h ${HOST} -p ${PORT} -D
cn=chapinj,cn=Users,${BASE_DN} -w ${PASSWORD} -b "${BASE_DN}" "cn=chapinj"
ldap_search: DSA is unwilling to perform
ldap_search: additional info: Password Policy Error :9009:
GSL_PWDMUSTCHANGE_EXCP :Your Password has been reset; You must change your
password before performing other operations.

As you can see, ldapsearch recognizes that the password must change... but
binding alone does not trigger that:

$ ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/ldapbind -h localhost -p 389 -D
cn=chapinj,cn=Users,${BASE_DN} -w ${PASSWORD}
bind successful

Even updating lppe-configuration.xml with the proper return code of 9009
for mustChangePassword does not trigger the user to change the password.
Looking at the logging, even after cranking up the logging
for org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap I don't see anything in the logs indicating
that CAS thinks this account has issues. I am *guessing* that since the
bean is of class org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.BindLdapAuthenticationHandler,
the issue is that we are looking only at a bind, which is not returning the
error code. Is there any way to test this, or fix this?



Jeff Chapin,
Assistant Systems/Applications Administrator
ITS-IS, University of Northern Iowa
Phone: 319-273-3162 Email:

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