
We have an enterprise reporting tool we have operating behind CAS.
This service has URLs that have 'special' characters in it --
ampersands, slashes, question marks, spaces, etc. This service handles
some URL encoding just fine -- it does not mind replacing ' ' with
%20, for instance.

When this application is placed behind CAS, however, CAS is modifying
the URL -- it is URL encoding strangely.

For instance, if I wanted to hit:

CAS is properly authing the user, and then releasing them to:

If you look, it appears that CAS took the already URL encoded service
URL, and encoded it again -- %20 becomes %2520 -- the encoding for '%'
followed by the '20'.

For some reason, CAS is smart enough to encode, but not decode on the
way back out.

Due to the nature of the service, it *has* spaces in the URLs
generated, as well as question marks, ampersands, and slashes -- and
who knows what else?

It appears that the application is smart enough to decode %20 when it
comes in, but not %2520, so these links break, and anytime you are
prompted to log in through CAS, you get a 404 error. Subsequent
connections (with an existing CAS session) work just fine, with no
re-writing of the URLs.

Does anyone know of a work around, a setting we can change, or even a
section of code to look into in order to fix this behavior? Due to the
nature of these reports, and their user base (Deans, Directors, and
Department Heads) I am under a decent amount of added incentive to
find a fix to this issue...



Jeff Chapin,
Assistant Systems/Applications Administrator
ITS-IS, University of Northern Iowa
Phone: 319-273-3162 Email:

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