Le 19/02/2013 16:40, Carlos Fernandez a écrit :
Hi, Sylvain,

One way to achieve your goal is through the theme properties file,
<spring:theme> and <jsp:include>.

Imagine that you wanted to insert a small bit of HTML that changes according
to the selected theme. In each WEB-INF/classes/<custom-theme>.properties
file you could add a new property, e.g.:


Then in the view JSP file where you want to insert the file you'd insert
something like this:

<spring:theme code="theme.snippet.file" var="snippetFile"
text="/WEB-INF/view/jsp/default/ui/includes/default-snippet.jsp " />
<jsp:directive.include file="${snippetFile}" />

The file would then be inserted at that location.

Best regards,
Ok, this is pretty easy and clean. I'll try this after vacation :D
Thanks for the help ! ;)

Best regards,

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