HURRY! Time is running out to submit your proposal by March 4 


The deadline for this year's 2013 Apereo conference is Monday, March 4 by
midnight Pacific. Please submit your proposal
<>  so we can learn from you
this summer in San Diego, CA. Don't miss this chance to share your successes
teaching with, developing, implementing, and advocating Apereo and other
open-source software. The conference is a great way to collaborate with your
peers in higher education. You may submit a presentation session, birds of a
feather discussion, or showcase night demonstration.


General session speakers announced! We're very excited to share that these
dynamic leaders will be sharing their insights at the conference.


.         Marilyn McMillan, Vice President for Information Technology and
Chief Information Technology Officer, New York University

.         Theresa Rowe, Chief Information Officer for University Technology
Services, Oakland University


You can join these great speakers and be part of this year's conference
program, too. We're looking for your presentations about development,
instruction, administration, advocacy, and support of open-source community
software. Submit your proposal today
<>  and join us in Opening Minds
to Open Solutions!




Ian Dolphin, Executive Director, Apereo Foundation

Patty Gertz, Associate Director, Apereo Foundation

Jim Helwig, Planning Committee Chair

Alan Regan, Program Committee Chair


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