Hi, Jérôme!

As far as I could understand, the initialize method of KryoTranscoder
register many classes with Kryo as well as any other in serializerMap map
but how and where can I call setSerializerMap to add FacebookObject to the
map if KryoTranscoder is registered as a bean in
with init-method="initialize"? Doesn't the method initialize will be called
internally by Spring when factorying the bean? After that, what is the
point in set FacebookObject to serializerMap?

About the option to choose for SerializingTranscoder from spymemcached, you
have commented that using Kryo will significantly increase efficiency and
will improve throughput and storage footprint. This factors are of great
importance in my scenario, so I think I cannot ignore this comment and go
on with the easy solution. ;)

When we came to a working solution, I think it would be good to write down
a note on https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/MemcacheTicketRegistry and
on https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/OpenID, don't you?

Thank you very much!
Frederico Zveiter

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