There have been several fixes committed to the master branch since,
though we have not yet cut 1.0.10.  Please try master and see if that
resolves your issue.

Also - if the first URL you visit is deeper in your site than subsequent
visits, your CAS cookie's PATH may be scoped to narrowly.  Please try
adding "CASScope /" to your location block to force the cookie's PATH to be
set to "/".

Hope that helps,

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 5:52 AM, Vincent Hurtevent <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using mod_auth_cas in a reverse proxy (mod_proxy) configuration to
> protect and add SSO capabilities to an uncassified application.
> Here's the part in the Apache conf file :
>         ProxyRequests On
>         <Proxy *>
>                 AddDefaultCharset Off
>                 Order deny,allow
>                 Allow from all
>         </Proxy>
>         <Location />
>                 AuthType CAS
>                 CASAuthNHeader REMOTE_USER
>                 Require valid-user
>                 ProxyPass http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
>                 ProxyPassReverse http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
>         </Location>
> When I request first time, redirection and CAS auth work well, then, I get
> the mod_auth_cas cookie my browser uses to request page and assets, BUT on
> some assets (pictures, css, js) I'm redirected to CAS server again,
> resulting in partial page rendering.
> Logging in debug mod shows me this error :
> MOD_AUTH_CAS: Error parsing XML content (Internal error), referer:
> http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> CASCookiePath is set up to /var/cache/apache2/mod_auth_**cas, cookie
> files are created and content seems ok.
> I'm working on Ubuntu 12.04, Apache 2.2.22 stock and mod_auth_cas v1.0.9.1
> from GitHub.
> mod_auth_cas in Ubuntu repositories is v1.0.8-3build1 and is seg faulting
> after few page refresh and same error logs.
> I already use mod_auth_cas inline with Apache or in reverse proxy without
> problem, usually pretty old version for Windows compatibility.
> Could someone help me on my configuration or suggest me an older stable
> release ?
> Thank you
> --
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