On 8/5/2013 8:15 PM, Scott Battaglia wrote:
This isn't really a long term solution but you should be able to set
your default logging level to WARN and then set
net.sf.ehcache.distribution.ManualRMICacheManagerPeerProvider explicitly
to DEBUG.  This will at least show them in the production logs.

Ah, I didn't think of that; currently I have all of net.sf.ehcache set to DEBUG. OTOH, I wonder what other logging in the other pieces of that package they have at DEBUG that I'd probably want to see…

Thanks for the suggestion…

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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