I have a working demo that showcases basic CAS protocol v2 support in
the Shib IdPv3. Anyone that is interested in this work should check
out the demo described on the project page:


The demo requires only Java 7 and Maven, and takes a couple commands
and browser clicks to try out.

I've worked out some of the challenging integration concerns, handing
off to the IdP authentication and session subsystems, but there's
additional work to complete:

 - Full CAS proxy support (straightforward)
 - Integration with attribute engine for attribute release according
to emerging CAS protocol v3 spec (moderate)
 - Single sign out (difficult, maybe not feasible)

I'm grateful to the Shib core devs for supporting this work and
patiently answering questions and clarifying design matters. I believe
this work validates the flexibility and extensibility of the IdPv3
design where core subsystems are implemented as flows.


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