I followed the CAS Best Practices 
 for building a "cas.war" (v4.0.0) and deploying it to Tomcat7. When I spin up 
Tomcat, I am able to access my CAS login page at:

> https://localhost:8443/cas/login

I then deploy one of my "client" apps (a Grails web app using Shiro for 
authentication), which comes online at:

> http://localhost:9100/myapp

I go to an authenticated URL for myapp.war (the CAS client app):

> http://localhost:9100/myapp/secret

I am successfully redirected to my CAS login page (for now, I'm using the 
default casLoginView.jsp). I check my browser cookies, and for the CAS site I 
have a JSESSIONID. I login using the CAS default credentials (username is 
*casuser*; password is *Melon*) and am successfully redirected to 
http://localhost:9100/myapp/secret. Great success! I check my cookies again and 
see that I have the same exact JSESSIONID as well as a new CASTGC cookie.

I now go directly to my CAS logout page:

> https://localhost:8443/cas/logout

I see a "Logout successful" message, and check my cookies again. The CASTGC 
cookie is gone, and I still have a JSESSIONID, however, it's a different one 
than the first JSESSIONID that I got.

I now go back to my authenticated URL:

> http://localhost:9100/myapp/secret

I expect to be redirected to the CAS login page: instead I am allowed to view 
the /secret page and **appear to still be authenticated, even after logging 

I *believe* I need to implement the SingleSignOutFilter by placing it in 
myapp's web.xml as instructed here:


My questions:

1. Will configuring SingleSignOutFilter in web.xml complete my implementation 
for single sign out, or is there more config that I need to do? If so, where?
2. Once single sign out is implemented, will it have the expected behavior that 
I describe above? Meaning, if I go to the /logout link, then anytime I try to 
go to an authenticated URL, it should redirect me back to the /login page?
3. How can I tell which protocol (CAS 2.0 or SAML 1.1) I'm using? I should be 
using whatever default CAS 4.0.0 ships with as I didn't override anything in my 

Thanks in advance!

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