Thanks again Scott, however after reading that README.txt I'm even more 
confused now!

Are you saying that I could define my FizzBuzz bean inside, say, widget.xml, 
and the web.xml config (which looks for contextConfigLocations in 
spring-configuration/*.xml) will find widget.xml, read my FizzBuzz bean out of 
it, and then make it available to the entire app's context?

Or are you saying that I need to make a fizzBuzz.xml file, define a FizzBuzz 
bean (with an id of "fizzBuzz") inside it, in order to make it available to the 
entire app's context?  Thanks again for any clarification here!

From: Scott Battaglia <>
Sent: Monday, June 9, 2014 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [cas-user] What Spring beans are available to CAS JSP pages?

CAS loads any Spring configuration file that matches the list here:

It will load all files under /spring-configuration  If you name-collide with 
anything in the directory then you will override.  Otherwise its addative.

You can read more about it here:

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 4:05 PM, Zac Harvey 
<<>> wrote:
Thanks Scott, I guess I asked the wrong questions here :-)

To create my CAS project, I created a $PROJECT_HOME/pom.xml and used the POM 
example from the CAS 4.0 manual.  Then I ran mvn clean package and it produced 
a simple $PROJECT_HOME/target/cas.war for me.  I then created a 
src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-configuration directory.  What I’m wondering is 

Does CAS use applicationContext.xml (the Spring standard) for wiring Spring 
beans?  If so, if I add my own applicationContext.xml under my newly-created 
spring-configuration/ directory, will it override (blow out) or 
automagically-merge with the applicationContext.xml used under the hood by CAS? 
 And, if CAS doesn’t use its own applicationContext.xml, then what file does it 
use, and how do I extend-without-blowing-out this file?  Thanks again!

From: Scott Battaglia 
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [cas-user] What Spring beans are available to CAS JSP pages?

You should be able to add as many additional configuration files as you want.

With respect to referencing the bean from the JSP, you should refer to the 
Spring documentation (which will most likely be more accurate than any 
information I would give you)

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Zac Harvey 
<<>> wrote:
I want a custom Java class that I need to configure in CAS’ 
applicationContext.xml and would like to have access to it in the 
casLogoutView.jsp page. So in the app context, the wiring might look something 

    <bean id=”fizzBuzz” class=””>
        <property name=”foo” ref=”foo”

etc.  And then in the casLogoutView.jsp, something like:

        FizzBuzz fizzBuz = (FizzBuzz)applicationContext.getBean(“fizzBuzz”);

        // Do stuff with fizzBuzz.

My questions:

(1) In my spring-configuration/ directory, there is no applicationContext.xml.  
If I add one, and only define this one FizzBuzz bean (and its dependencies), 
will that “blow out” all of the other beans that CAS is defining/injecting 
underneath the hood?  If so, how can I define my FizzBuzz (in any XML) so that 
it’s available to the JSP?

(2) How can I obtain a reference to applicationContext and/or my FizzBuzz bean 
inside the JSP?

Thanks in advance!


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