After I logged in to Cas, I'm redirected back to my page, and the url
showing in the address bar is:

No ticket query string is showing or anything else...I thought it should be
something like I do not see

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 1:21 PM, John Gasper <> wrote:

>  I'm not sure I follow. Are you authenticated to your app when you get
> sent back? The .NET CAS Client will consume the "ticket" querystring data,
> validate the service ticket, populates the page.identity object, and
> redirects the page to itself removing the "ticket" querystring.
> On 9/12/14 9:40 AM, Michelle Zhang wrote:
>  Oh great. I see. After I clear the cookies I can see the CAS too.  Thank
> you John!
>  Right now after I logged in to CAS, I'm redirected to my default page,
> but the url is not in the format which contains the ticket info...what
> might be the problem?
>  Michelle
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 12:17 PM, John Gasper <> wrote:
>>  Hi Michelle,
>> Nice sleuthing! So when I go to I get sent
>> to you test CAS Server. If you were already logged into the CAS server it
>> would have looked like it was only taking you to your homepage.
>> It's looking OK to me.
>> On 9/12/14 9:06 AM, Michelle Zhang wrote:
>>  Thank you John!  I renamed Web.config file to web.xml and opened it in
>> IE, it compiled right.
>>  So I started to check the items in Web.config file, and found:
>>  1. I need to comment this out, otherwise I get 500 Internal Error:
>> <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"/>
>>  2. I need to add this: <validation
>> validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>, otherwise I get 500.22 Error
>>  The problem is now when I type my website URL in the address bar in the
>> browser, it goes to my webpage default page directly, it does not go to the
>> CAS log in page.
>>  Any ideas why is that? I just pasted the web.config file in the bottom
>> of the email, in case you have time to take a look for me.
>> Michelle
>>  Web.config
>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>> <configuration>
>>   <configSections>
>>     <!--<section name="securitySwitch"
>>              type="SecuritySwitch.Configuration.Settings, SecuritySwitch"
>>              requirePermission="false" />-->
>>     <section name="casClientConfig"
>> type="DotNetCasClient.Configuration.CasClientConfiguration,
>> DotNetCasClient"/>
>>   </configSections>
>>   <casClientConfig casServerLoginUrl="
>>                      casServerUrlPrefix="";
>>                      serverName=""
>>                      notAuthorizedUrl="~/Failed.aspx"
>>                      cookiesRequiredUrl=""
>>                      redirectAfterValidation="true"
>>                      renew="false" singleSignOut="true"
>>                      ticketValidatorName="Cas20"
>>                      serviceTicketManager="CacheServiceTicketManager"/>
>>   <!--<securitySwitch mode="RemoteOnly">
>>     <paths>
>>       <add path="~/Login.aspx" />
>>     </paths>
>>   </securitySwitch>-->
>>   <connectionStrings>
>>     <add name="ApplicationServices" connectionString="data
>> source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated
>> Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnetdb.mdf;User
>> Instance=true"
>>       providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
>>   </connectionStrings>
>>   <system.web>
>>     <!--<customErrors mode="Off" defaultRedirect="Error.aspx"/>-->
>>     <customErrors mode="Off"/>
>>     <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0"/>
>>     <authentication mode="Forms">
>>       <forms loginUrl=""; timeout="30"
>>              defaultUrl="Default.aspx"
>>              cookieless="UseCookies"
>>              slidingExpiration="true"
>>              path="/" />
>>     </authentication>
>>     <authorization>
>>       <deny users="?"/>
>>     </authorization>
>>     <httpModules>
>>       <add name="DotNetCasClient"
>> type="DotNetCasClient.CasAuthenticationModule,DotNetCasClient"/>
>>     </httpModules>
>>     <sessionState timeout="2880">
>>     </sessionState>
>>     <membership>
>>       <providers>
>>         <clear/>
>>         <add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"
>> type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider"
>> connectionStringName="ApplicationServices" enablePasswordRetrieval="false"
>> enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false"
>> requiresUniqueEmail="false" maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5"
>> minRequiredPasswordLength="6" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0"
>> passwordAttemptWindow="10" applicationName="/"/>
>>       </providers>
>>     </membership>
>>     <profile>
>>       <providers>
>>         <clear/>
>>         <add name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider"
>> type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider"
>> connectionStringName="ApplicationServices" applicationName="/"/>
>>       </providers>
>>     </profile>
>>     <roleManager enabled="false">
>>       <providers>
>>         <clear/>
>>         <add name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider"
>> type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider"
>> connectionStringName="ApplicationServices" applicationName="/"/>
>>         <add name="AspNetWindowsTokenRoleProvider"
>> type="System.Web.Security.WindowsTokenRoleProvider" applicationName="/"/>
>>       </providers>
>>     </roleManager>
>>   </system.web>
>>   <system.webServer>
>>     <!--just added this on 9/12/14 11:46.
>>     without it or set to true:
>>     HTTP Error 500.22 - Internal Server Error
>> An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated
>> managed pipeline mode.
>>     with it:
>>     do not go to cas log in, but only go to the default page.-->
>>     <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
>>     <modules>
>>       <remove name="DotNetCasClient"/>
>>       <add name="DotNetCasClient"
>> type="DotNetCasClient.CasAuthenticationModule,DotNetCasClient"/>
>>     </modules>
>>     <!--<httpErrors errorMode="Custom">
>>       <error statusCode="500" subStatusCode="5" path="
>>"; responseMode="Redirect"/>
>>       <error statusCode="403" subStatusCode="4" path="
>>"; responseMode="Redirect"/>
>>     </httpErrors>-->
>>     <httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" />
>>     <asp scriptErrorSentToBrowser="true"/>
>>     <!--need to comment it, otherwise 500 Error-->
>>     <!--<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"/>-->
>>     <defaultDocument>
>>       <files>
>>         <clear/>
>>         <add value="Default.aspx"/>
>>       </files>
>>     </defaultDocument>
>>   </system.webServer>
>> </configuration>
>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 5:13 PM, John Gasper <> wrote:
>>>  Hi Michelle,
>>> When I get these kind of errors with IIS, the first thing I check is
>>> that the web.config file is valid xml. I usually rename the file to end in
>>> .xml and open it in IE to make sure it parses correctly. If that checks out
>>> make sure the new elements were added to the appropriate areas. I'd guess
>>> something wrong in the web.config is probably the problem.
>>> Next, I usually enable Failed Request Tracing. You'll need to work with
>>> your sys admin to configure and enable it, but this usually uncovers
>>> everything. An xml file will be created that will merge to the xsl file in
>>> the output directory. Open the xml in IE and that will make it a lot easier
>>> to review.
>>> Give those a try and see what you find.
>>> Good luck!
>>> John
>>> On 9/11/14 11:40 AM, Michelle Zhang wrote:
>>>     Carl,
>>>  I do not have access to the event viewer in the windows server. I'll
>>> check with the personnel who has access to it.
>>>  Yes the website works very good before adding the CAS client code.
>>>  I tried to test with a "Hello World" test page but got the same error.
>>>  Not sure how to set the error log...I found as soon as I logged in the
>>> Cas Log In page, I got this error message. How to find out if the error is
>>> happening before or after the request is routed? I do not have much access
>>> to the server so I cannot debug the web pages using break point on the web
>>> server....
>>>  Michelle
>>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Waldbieser, Carl <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Michelle,
>>>> Did you check the Windows event log to see if the error was logged
>>>> elsewhere (e.g. under "Applications")?
>>>> Did the web site work *prior* to adding the CAS client code?
>>>> Can you serve *any* resource?  E.g. a basic "Hello World" test page?
>>>> Can you emit messages to an error log from your ASP page to see if the
>>>> request is reaching the page or if the error is happening before the
>>>> request is routed?
>>>> Without knowing much about your setup, I am afraid I am someone limited
>>>> in the advice I can offer.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Carl
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Michelle Zhang" <>
>>>> To:
>>>>  Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:03:36 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [cas-user] Possible cause of 500 - Internal server error
>>>> Hi Carl,
>>>> Thank you again for helping! I did check the Log files under
>>>> inetpub/logs/LogFiles and I did not see any error messages at all.
>>>> Michelle
>>>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Waldbieser, Carl <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > Michelle,
>>>> >
>>>> > A 500 error doesn't tell you much.
>>>> > Is it possible for you to get access the the web server logs (e.g.
>>>> Windows
>>>> > Event logs) to see if there is any more specific information
>>>> available?
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> > Carl Waldbieser
>>>> >
>>>> > ----- Original Message -----
>>>> > From: "Michelle Zhang" <>
>>>> > To:
>>>> > Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 1:52:08 PM
>>>> > Subject: Re: [cas-user] Possible cause of 500 - Internal server error
>>>> >
>>>> > Thank you Linda!
>>>> >
>>>> > on the webserver, the web page is not even go to CAS log in page, it
>>>> turns
>>>> > the 500 - Internal server error without doing anything. And there's
>>>> no way
>>>> > I can debug to find out what's the problem because it does go to the
>>>> CAS
>>>> > log in page when I run it on my local machine.
>>>> >
>>>> > On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Linda Toth <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > > We normally receive that error when the user is authenticated, but
>>>> not
>>>> > > authorized to use the target application.  In the case of Banner,
>>>> e.g.,
>>>> > > that application seeks an attribute called the UDC Identifier which
>>>> is
>>>> > used
>>>> > > to establish role permissions for the various Banner applications.
>>>> Once
>>>> > > authenticated, our LDAP returns that attribute.  A similar failure
>>>> would
>>>> > > occur any attribute the target application is seeking has not been
>>>> > gathered
>>>> > > from the authentication source.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Linda
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Linda Toth
>>>> > > University of Alaska - Office of Information Technology (OIT) -
>>>> Identity
>>>> > > and Access Management
>>>> > > 910 Yukon Drive, Suite 103
>>>> > > Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
>>>> > > Tel: 907-450-8320
>>>> > > Fax: 907-450-8381
>>>> > > |
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 7:13 AM, Michelle Zhang <
>>>> >>
>>>> > > wrote:
>>>> > >
>>>> > >> I'm using ASP.Net and just started to use CAS.
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> On my local machine, after authenticated by the CAS log in page,
>>>> I'm not
>>>> > >> re-directed back to my default url but get this 500 - Internal
>>>> server
>>>> > error
>>>> > >> message.
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> On the webserver, if I type the website url on browser, I'm not
>>>> > >> re-directed to the CAS log in page but just get 500 - Internal
>>>> server
>>>> > error
>>>> > >> directly.
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> Anyone knows why's that?
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> Michelle <>
>>>> > >>
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>>>> > --
>>>> > Michelle Zhang
>>>> > Floyd Institute Center for Opinion Research
>>>> > Franklin & Marshall College
>>>> > P.O. Box 3003
>>>> > Lancaster PA 17604-3003
>>>> > Phone: (717) 358-4764 <%28717%29%20358-4764>
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>>>> Michelle Zhang
>>>> Floyd Institute Center for Opinion Research
>>>> Franklin & Marshall College
>>>> P.O. Box 3003
>>>> Lancaster PA 17604-3003
>>>> Phone: (717) 358-4764 <%28717%29%20358-4764>
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>>> Michelle Zhang
>>> Floyd Institute Center for Opinion Research
>>> Franklin & Marshall College
>>> P.O. Box 3003
>>> Lancaster PA 17604-3003
>>> Phone: (717) 358-4764
>>> --
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>> Michelle Zhang
>> Floyd Institute Center for Opinion Research
>> Franklin & Marshall College
>> P.O. Box 3003
>> Lancaster PA 17604-3003
>> Phone: (717) 358-4764
>> --
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> Michelle Zhang
> Floyd Institute Center for Opinion Research
> Franklin & Marshall College
> P.O. Box 3003
> Lancaster PA 17604-3003
> Phone: (717) 358-4764
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Michelle Zhang
Floyd Institute Center for Opinion Research
Franklin & Marshall College
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster PA 17604-3003
Phone: (717) 358-4764

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