I’m no regex guru, but this most likely is caused by regex pattern not matching 
the entire URL for the given service(s). Try the following one:


(note the ‘.*’ at the end instead of just ‘*’)


On Sep 23, 2014, at 11:05 AM, Jay <india....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have 2 different sample applications with below urls which I have enabled 
> CAS authentication. Those 2 URLs can be accessed only by authenticated users 
> <intercept-url pattern="/underConstruction**" access="isAuthenticated()" />
> - http://localhost:8080/casldap/underConstruction
> - http://localhost:8080/cassimple/underConstruction
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 3:24 PM, John Gasper <jgas...@unicon.net> wrote:
> Hi Jay,
> What is the url of the application that you are trying to hit? 
> John
> ---
> John Gasper
> IAM Consultant
> Unicon, Inc.
> PGP/GPG Key: 0xbafee3ef
> On 9/23/14 4:10 AM, Jayakumar Jayaraman wrote:
>> Hello
>> I am new to CAS.
>> I have done the CAS 4.0 setup and I am able to integrate with another web 
>> application if I used the default cas-server-webapp-4.0.0.war
>> But when I built it using the maven overlay only CAS works fine standalone 
>> with URL http://localhost:8080/cas/login.
>> But once I integrate with my web app,  it gives this error ..."The 
>> application you attempted to authenticate to is not authorized to use CAS."
>> I have registered two services like this, in deployerConfigContext.xml
>> I have also attached the full file.
>> Not sure what mistake I am making. 
>>  <bean class="org.jasig.cas.services.RegexRegisteredService">
>>             <property name="id" value="1" />
>>             <property name="name" value="cassimple" />
>>             <property name="description" value="cassimple application 1" />
>>             <property name="serviceId" 
>> value="^(http?|https?|imaps?)://localhost:8080/cassimple/*" />
>>             <property name="evaluationOrder" value="10000001" />
>>         </bean>
>>  <bean class="org.jasig.cas.services.RegexRegisteredService">
>>             <property name="id" value="2" />
>>             <property name="name" value="casldap" />
>>             <property name="description" value="casldap application 2" />
>>             <property name="serviceId" 
>> value="^(http?|https?|imaps?)://localhost:8080/casldap/*" />
>>             <property name="evaluationOrder" value="10000002" />
>>         </bean>
>> Thanks
>> Jay
>> -- 
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> -- 
> You are currently subscribed to cas-user@lists.jasig.org as: 
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