On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:04:42 +0200
Alberto Cabello Sánchez <albe...@unex.es> wrote:
> Somehow, the final response returns only four LDAP attributes (dn, uid,
> orclisenabled and cn), even if the former (log shows two
> org.ldaptive.SearchOperation as shown below[1]) gets all of them.
> When querying OpenLDAP, the two org.ldaptive.SearchOperation get the 
> same attributes set.

Please forget about that. I just realized second org.ldaptive.SearchOperation
response is showing exactly the attributes an anonymous "ldapsearch" would get,
both in the OpenLDAP and the OID scenario.

So the new question is why this second sequence

[org.jasig.cas.persondir.LdapPersonAttributeDao] - Created seed map
[org.jasig.cas.persondir.LdapPersonAttributeDao] - Adding attribute 'username'
[org.jasig.cas.persondir.LdapPersonAttributeDao] - Constructed LDAP search
[org.jasig.cas.persondir.LdapPersonAttributeDao] - Generated query builder
[org.ldaptive.SearchOperation] - execute request
[org.ldaptive.SearchOperation] - execute response  <=== Shows only four attrs
[org.jasig.cas.persondir.LdapPersonAttributeDao] - Converted ldap DN

is performed as an anonymous query. I guess providerConnection is involved.

Thanks in advance,

Alberto Cabello Sánchez

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