I am successfully managing CAS service within internal network for internal services. CAS service is available on "login.example.com" DNS (internal name resolution) and all CASified services are pointing to URL https://login.example.com/cas/login and everything is works fine. But we have decided to use same CAS service for our web services available from internet. Thus I have created external resolvable DNS record login-external.example.com (pointing to same CAS server via Apache reverse proxy) and all public web CASified services are pointing to https://login-external.example.com/cas/login. Authentication is working fine which seems that CAS data flow is passing correctly. The only problem is with SSO: if I am trying to access public web service from internal network - I am redirected to https://login-external.example.com/cas/login with login request instead of accepting my CAS ticket already created via https://login.example.com/cas/login

How can I get the SSO working in this scenario? Where exactly is the problem (client-related?(i.e. browser)).



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