Hi Guys

I have a working CAS applications.  I am now trying to use its RestAPI.

But having trouble while calling /cas/v1/tickets

Our application has 2 factor authentication and hence have three fields 
(username, password, otp) in the login page.

When it gets into the below DummyOTPAuthenticationHandler, the credential 
is always a instanceof UsernamePasswordCredential
But I am expecting it to be the instance of our OTPUsernamePasswordCredential 
as in our web application...
In our web application we have configured this in the login-webflow.xml
<var name="credential" 
class="com.myapp.cas.authentication.OTPUsernamePasswordCredential" />

Not sure if RestAPI also uses this login-webflow.xml or if any other 
configuration is needed ?


public class DummyOTPAuthenticationHandler extends 
AbstractUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler { /** Spring injected dummy 
OTP */ private String dummyOTP; @Override protected HandlerResult 
authenticateUsernamePasswordInternal(UsernamePasswordCredential credential) 
throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException { 
OTPUsernamePasswordCredential otpCredential = null; if (credential 
instanceof OTPUsernamePasswordCredential) {


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