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> On Aug 4, 2015, at 18:54, Bryan Wooten <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here is the scenario:
> Login into our CASified Peoplesoft with a leading whitespace on the user name.
> CAS authenticates against OpenDJ just fine
> Peoplesoft gets the netid/username with the leading white space in 
> REMOTE_USER (We are using the Wrapper Filter)
> Peoplesoft can’t resolve the principle.
> Second scenario with DUO
> Login into the Peoplesoft portal as a user requiring Duo MFA, again with 
> leading whitespace.
> Get past initial CAS login page
> Duo thinks this is a new Duo user and prompts for enrollment.
> What is the deal with leading whitespace? Shouldn't the LDAP bind catch this 
> and not authenticate?
> Should the CAS login page use javascript to trim white space?
> Should the CAS server auth module trim the whitespace on the backend?
> Anyway this first appeared on the duo-users mail list today and I verified 
> the behavior.
> Unicon CAS-MFA 3.5.2 / OpenDJ LDAP.
> Thoughts?
> -- 
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