That's what I don't get - I did turn org.jasig.cas up to debug (I have a test 
system that I can send only my test to through our load balancer so noisy isn't 
a problem), but even then I got nothing about sending logout requests.

Ted F. Fisher
Information Technology Services
From: Misagh Moayyed []
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 3:02 PM
Subject: RE: [cas-user] logging SLO requests

I don't think you can actually see the logout message, unless you turn up 
debugging to TRACE which would be very noisy. With DEBUG for org.jasig.cas, 
you'd see statements that are similar to "Sending logout request to XYZ" where 
XYZ is the service in question you're troubleshooting.

From: Ted Fisher []
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 11:17 AM
Subject: [cas-user] logging SLO requests

On CAS server 3.5.0 we have some apps that are processing SLO requests as 
expected.  Where one is not I'd like to get some logging to determine what is 
going wrong.  I can catch packets going out to the IP of the service when 
logout is triggered so I know that it is sending something.  I'd like to 
capture debug showing me just what is being sent, etc., but I can't figure out 
to tell it to log.  I thought I should get debug for 
org.jasig.cas.logout.LogoutManagerImpl, but I get nothing.

Can someone tell me what I should tell log4j to look for?


Ted F. Fisher
Information Technology Services
[Description: BGSU]


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