Misagh Moayyed <mmoay...@unicon.net> a écrit :

> OK. So note that you're actually reviewing the "development" version of
> documentation, as the snippet at the top of the page says. For future
> reference, you want to review this instead:
> http://jasig.github.io/cas/4.0.x/installation/Configuring-Authentication-Components.html
> Nonetheless, that is a documentation error and should be corrected for all.
> That said, I don't think you need a separate resolver. With the ldap AuthN
> handler, simply set the principal attribute to the new attribute you have,
> and resolve attributes directly in the handler. The in the AuthN manager,
> null out the matching resolver.

Thanks for the tip. Works fine nulling out the matching resolver in  
the authenticationManager and setting the principalIdAttribute to uid  
in the ldapAuthenticationHandler.

To set a null value in place of the resolver bean id, the following  
syntax found in the documentation (  
 ) didn't work  

<entry key-ref="ldapAuthenticationHandler" value="#{null}"/>

Had to use this syntax instead :

<entry key-ref="ldapAuthenticationHandler"><null /></entry>

To sum up, using a separate resolver is only required if additional  
attributes not present in the LDAP directory used for authentication  
are needed ?

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