Another item of note - I just learned that User4, after being 
wrongly-authenticated into Confluence for the 2nd time, logged out of 
wiki/cas (by hitting the Log Out link in Confluence, which also kills 
the CAS session), then logged directly into Confluence via the normal 
login page. (We have a login for external people who are not in our LDAP 
system and therefore cannot log in through CAS.) I'm wondering if she'd 
tried to go through CAS again, if she might have gotten incorrectly 
authenticated into Confluence a 3rd time? Anyway, this probably 
significant, as the direct login is what broke the cycle, not 
necessarily it just being another try. (and all subsequent logins since 
then have been fine).

Note also that the first user (prior to this case) who experienced this 
problem, successfully (and correctly) was authenticated into CAS and 
into Drupal via CAS, as the correct user, but it was when she tried to 
go to the wiki that she was authenticated in as the wrong person. So, it 
seems clear that her CAS session was correctly established before she 
was incorrectly auth'd into the wiki.

Yale CAS mailing list

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