It could also be that you don't have tap device support in your kernel, or that you don't have a /dev/net/tun devicefile in your filesystem. I just discovered that the existing filesystem does not include this devicefile, so have uploaded a new one here:


On 28 Oct 2009, at 03:22, Wei-Chung Hsieh wrote:

Hi Jason,

Thank you very much for your information.
I will try again.

Thanks and Regards,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Manley" < >
To: "Wei-Chung Hsieh" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [casper] ROACH 10GbE configuration problem

Hi Wei-Chung

Yes, the shipping versions of tcpborphserver do not allow multiple versions of tgtap at the same time and are the cause of the errors you describe (as outlined on the wiki page).

I recommend you install a new version from here:

Then use the updated python script from the workshop tutorial, tut2:

Note that there is a bug in the shipping versions of the ROACH's kernel too, and I highly recommend you replace that with and also update your uboot to

Note that the new uboot (mmcenv) has a problem with debug messages. Don't use that one, use the "nohack" version.


On 27 Oct 2009, at 12:56, Wei-Chung Hsieh wrote:

Dear All,

I am new to ROACH platform and currently I'm trying to bring up the
ROACH 10GbE interface as the new ROACH 10GbE tutorial do.

But the python scripts does not seem to bring up the 10GbE interfaces
successfully. I also noticed that Jason had mentioned the two 10Gbe
interfaces can not work at the same time.

So I tried to bring up one of the interface by using the KATCP command
and got the following error message:

?tap-start gbe0 00:01:02:03:04:05 60000
#log warn 1256639552073 tcpborphserver process\_id\_469\_exited
!tap-start ok

It seems the interface can not be setup successfully.

So again I tried to use the tgtap way as below link

But I got below message:

r...@myroach:/proc/368/hw/ioreg# tgtap -a -m 00:01:02:03:04:05
-p 60000 -b /proc/368/hw/ioreg/gbe0
tgtap: tap interface name: tgtap0
tgtap: borph file: /proc/368/hw/ioreg/gbe0
tgtap: borph file interface
tgtap: ip address
tgtap: mac address 00:01:02:03:04:05
tgtap: unable to set up tap device tgtap0: No such device

Below is part of my process table and ioreg directory:

root       346  0.0  0.1   6700  1160 ?        Ss   10:40
0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
root       356  0.0  0.0    784   236 ?        S    10:40   0:00
root       363  0.0  0.1   3772  1184 ttyS0    Ss   10:40
0:00 /bin/login --
root 364 0.0 0.1 3496 1724 ttyS0 S+ 10:40 0:00 - bash
root       368  0.0  0.0   1632   304 ?        S    10:43   0:00
root 369 5.0 0.2 10000 2668 ? Ss 10:43 0:00 sshd:
root 373 0.6 0.1 3508 1748 pts/0 Ss 10:43 0:00 - bash root 376 0.0 0.0 2780 1000 pts/0 R+ 10:44 0:00 ps - aux

r...@myroach:/proc/368/hw/ioreg# ls
cnt_rst gbe3_linkup snap_gbe0_rx_addr snap_gbe3_rx_bram_lsb dest_ip gbe3_rx snap_gbe0_rx_bram_lsb snap_gbe3_rx_bram_msb
dest_port     gbe3_rx_frame_cnt    snap_gbe0_rx_bram_msb
gbe0 gbe3_rx_frame_err snap_gbe0_rx_bram_oob snap_gbe3_rx_ctrl
gbe0_linkup   gbe3_tx    snap_gbe0_rx_ctrl   sys_board_id
gbe0_rx       gbe3_tx_full    snap_gbe0_tx_addr   sys_clkcounter
gbe0_tx       gbe3_tx_over    snap_gbe0_tx_bram_lsb  sys_clkfreq
gbe0_tx_cnt   gbe_core_rst    snap_gbe0_tx_bram_msb  sys_rev
gbe0_tx_full pkt_sim_payload_len snap_gbe0_tx_bram_oob sys_rev_rcs
gbe0_tx_over  pkt_sim_period    snap_gbe0_tx_ctrl   sys_scratchpad
gbe3       pkt_sim_run    snap_gbe3_rx_addr

Does anyone know is there anything I may miss?
Thanks very much for your help.

Thanks and Regards,

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