Hi Jonathan,

Other specs ?

For SMA  8 or 10 antennas x 2 pols  analog input possible
For CARMA 15 antennas x 2 pols, or 23 ants x 1 pol, or 23 ants x 2 pols

Output sample and accumulation time for cross correlation:  typical
10sec, fast for longer baselines 1 sec.


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Jonathan Weintroub
<jweintr...@cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi CASPERites,
> Here's a somewhat fluffy RFI which I hope might start a little thought
> and/or discussion over the season (acknowledging that not all in the global
> collaboration celebrate the traditional Western winter holidays):
> At SMA we are looking into the use of CASPER methods to build a ultra
> wideband high spectral resolution correlator.  Typical specs are, say, 18
> GHz bandwidth with roughly 300 KHz spectral resolution, by two
> polarizations, full Stokes.   We are considering using a standard CASPER
> packetized FX architecture (FX much better for high res than XF), but in the
> relatively unexplored "small number of antennas, wide bandwidth" regime.
> If the entire 18 GHz were eaten by one ADC, this would require a sample rate
> of 40 Gsps and 64 kpoint PFB.   Perhaps more reasonable would be two 9 GHz
> BW blocks and a 32 k PFB sampled at about 20 Gsps, or three 6 GHz / 16 or 32
> k PFB / 14 Gsps.
> To start we are looking closely at the FPGA resource utilization of large
> PFBs.  Something that probably is common knowledge amongst those experienced
> in FX correlator design is that the demux factor drives the utilization much
> faster than the size of the PFB.  In that sense bandwidth is far more
> expensive than spectral resolution.  We've put some effort into accurately
> quantifying the utilization, at least as far as multipliers and adders are
> concerned, and are expanding this analysis to block ram and other resources.
>  And demux factor is typically radix 2, so it is very much quantized.
> For example at 20 Gsps one might consider a demux factor of 128 resulting in
> an FPGA clock rate of 156 MHz, which is quite comfortable for the FPGA.
>  Alternatively a demux factor of 64 with corresponding FPGA clock of twice
> that, or over 300 MHz.   Traditionally a rather uncomfortable regime for
> CASPER (we're unusual, I believe, in running iBOBs at 256 MHz for the VLBI
> phased array).  The trouble is our analysis shows that the difference
> between these two demux setting in the size of PFB one can fit in a Virtex 6
> is really quite large, and 128 definitely won't allow us to do what we need
> to do.
> So we are increasingly highly motivated to run the FPGAs faster still.  Just
> a 20% increment from the 256 MHz which we currently view as a practical
> upper limit allows us to cross a clock rate threshold which then enables a
> factor of two decrease in demux factor, and consequent even larger increment
> in the realizable PFB size.
> Which is just a long winded way of asking if there are any others in the
> collaboration motivated to run the FPGAs faster, and whether any tricks can
> be shared?  In particular, does the CASPER toolflow support multiple clock
> domains? Our understanding is not yet, but that's based on incomplete
> information.   We know that there exists Virtex 5 (?) IP FFT cores which
> supposably run at greater than 500 MHz rates, using the enhanced
> interconnect between DSP slices.
> While on this topic of high demux factors, the tool flow largely chokes on
> demux factors of 32 or greater.  Any tips here would also be appreciated.
> If anyone can cast light on this general topic and related concerns it would
> be very much appreciated.
> Jonathan Weintroub

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