I am trying to understand the resource requirements for the CASPER X-engine.
To reduce confusion, I'm going to consider dual polarization antennas

Looking at the xeng block in simulink, it appears that an X engine
with no demux will require about

acc_len * ceil(Nant/2 + 1) memory locations for the delays

So for 32 antennas and acc_len 128, this should be easily implemented
with 32 BRAMs

About 4*ceil(Nant/2 +1) CMAC blocks will be required. I see each CMAC
can be implemented as 4 BRAMs or 4 DSP48s, so a total of ~ 256 DSP48s
or 256 BRAMs would be needed (or a mixture)

At the 32 antenna level, it looks like the CMACs are what drives the
number of xengines that can fit on a ROACH/ROACH2. Is that correct?
using 4 DSP48s for a 4-bit CMAC seems really inefficient, is there any
way to improve that?

How do packet buffering (to ensure you have one packet from each F
engine) and final VACC resource utilization compare to the X engine?


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