Hi Rurik, Glenn,

I think the roach_infrastructure block does something similar to generate
arb_clk, after calculating
the appropriate multiply and divide factors in Matlab. roach_infrastructure
(and maybe also the
quad ADC block) also has a portion that uses Verilog generate statements to
choose which
version (high-speed or low-speed) DCM to instantiate.

Those should make pretty good templates, should we choose to go the inline
route; I'd advocate
that since it avoids pcore clutter.


On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Rurik A. Primiani <
rprim...@cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:

> Hi Glenn,
> I came across a similar issue while porting the ASIAA 5GSps ADC to ROACH2,
> and also directly instantiated an MMCM in the pcore. I didn't think to
> support lower FPGA clock rates but I think it's a really good idea.
> Perhaps the quickest way (without editing any HDL) is to have two separate
> pcores, one for higher rates and one for lower rates, and dynamically choose
> which core you want by setting the XPS block's 'ip_name' field to the
> appropriate pcore. Our 5GSps block does this to choose between board
> versions.
> A better way, I think, would be to add a new parameter to the Verilog
> interface (that gets passed down to the MMCM) and set it using conditional
> statements within the MHS file. Again, our block does this for setting
> various parameters shared between board versions.
> Best,
> Rurik
> On 9/28/11 3:16 PM, G Jones wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on getting the ADC83000x2 yellow block working with ROACH 2.
>> I found that there is some issue with the automatic translation of the
>> legacy DCM parameters specified by that block to the new MMCM, so I have
>> made a new version that explicitly invokes an MMCM. I have used the
>> clock generator wizard to determine the multipliers and divisors, and
>> since the VCO frequency range spans an octave (600 to 1200 MHz), the
>> multiplier and divisors will only be valid for an octave range of ADC
>> clock input frequencies. I have implemented settings that work for ADC
>> inputs of 800 to 1600 MHz (corresponding to FPGA clocks of 200 to 400
>> MHz). However, if someone wants to clock their design at a lower rate,
>> different multipliers and divisors will be needed. Is there an easy way
>> to set this dynamically based on the requested clock rate?
>> Glenn

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