> A new problem is preventing me from
> compiling even simple models with
> bee_xps. For example, when I compile
> a model containing only the system
> generator, XSB Core Config, Xilinx
> constants and CASPER software
> registers, I receive the following
> messages from bee_xps.
> Detected Linux OS
> #############################
> ##      System Update      ##
> #############################
> #############################
> ## Block objects creation  ##
> #############################
> ######################
> ## Checking objects ##
> ######################
> Running system generator ...
> Error using ==> gen_xps_files at 328
> XSG generation failed: ?
> I am using Xilinx 11.1 and Matlab
> R2009a on CentOS Linux with the
> mlib_devel_10_1 library. I was not
> having this trouble until recently.
> Other people use my computer, but
> they know to avoid changing my
> installations.
> I attached a simple MDL file that
> produces the error messages shown
> above. What is causing gen_xps_files
> to have trouble at 328?

Hi Ron.  This sounds strangely like the glibc problem I mentioned last
week.  Did any messages from the OS come up in the window you started the
matlab session from?

You might check to see if anyone updated your glibc lately.

I'll try your mdl tomorrow and see what happens.  I don't have access to a
toolset right now.


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